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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Ottawa chapter.

It’s “Ugly Sweater December” here on Her Campus U Ottawa!

Cutesy Holiday Sweaters, Chunky Knits, Your Best Thrifted Finds, or a Cardigan that looks like you stole it from your Grandfather, Her Campus wants to see it!

Send us your “ugly sweater” photos with your name, year, program of study, where you got your sweater, and your favourite thing about the holidays to emhcuottawa@gmail.com.                            You can also tweet us the photo @HCuOttawa or share it on instagram @hercampus_uottawa!

Name: Katie Beloff

Program of Study: Human Rights and Conflict Studies

Sweater: Roommate’s Pajama Shirt

Favourite guilty pleasure during exams: Pizza