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Jeremy Auger ’15

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Ottawa chapter.

Name: Jeremy Auger
Age: 22
Program: History
Relationship Status: In a relationship

How are you involved on campus?
Although I’m not involved in campus Clubs or Associations I do make use of the on campus gyms a lot. I’m also planning on playing intramural hockey and soccer during the winter.

What do you look for in a significant other?
She has to be able to cook good bacon! Physically, I will admit that I am more of a legs guy. She has to be smart and level- headed in the sense that she can’t take things to personally- that’s a big one.

What do you think women like about you?
They like my dimples, my eyes and I’m funny sometimes, that’s what my girlfriend says. I can also grow a mean mustache and I play hockey.

What do you think are the most ridiculous perceptions that women have about men?
I think the most ridiculous assumption women make is to think that men like the fake plastic look. They think they have to be really pretty, and to be pretty they have to wear a lot of make up, and tan to the point that they look orange.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
I will most likely still be in school, either doing my BAR or a Masters and afterwards we’ll see.

What is your biggest turnoff?
If you’re not driven or you don’t know what you want, I can’t deal with that.

If you could crawl into a woman’s head, what would you want to find out?
Where the spot is. (Laughs). No I’m kidding, but seriously, I would like to know why often times women blow small things or issues out of proportion.