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How to Survive Long Distance

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Ottawa chapter.

Long distance relationships have gained a reputation, and rightfully so, for being a bit more challenging than their close-proximity counterparts. It is undoubtedly difficult to be away from the person you care about, and being apart can cause a lot of strain on the relationship. Whether your partner is just a town over, or a continent away, it is not always easy making long distance work. Luckily for you, I have some tried and tested methods for keeping your cool when your partner isn’t as close to you as you wish them to be.

1. Send mail to each other
Something that is really timeless and adorable is sending mail to your partner. Writing a letter just saying you miss them and wish they were where you are is a simple and cheap way to show that you’re thinking of that special someone. If you see a funny card in a bookstore that you think will make them laugh, why not pick it up and write a little note to them? Although texting and calling are easy ways to get in contact, good old fashioned hand writing brings a special touch.

2. Share things that they would find interesting
It’s important to keep up communication with your special someone, especially if they are far away. If your partner can’t be with you to experience your day with you, make sure to tell them all the interesting things you get up to and talk about even the littlest of things. Even silly pictures and articles can make your partner laugh and be happy knowing you were thinking of them.

3. Plan the next time you will see them
No matter how far in advance, it can be helpful in a long distance relationship to have a date set when you will see each other next. This gives you both something to look forward to and creates excitement over seeing each other in the upcoming week, month or year! Planning the next time you will see them can help you from feeling lonely and you can spend your free time planning activities to do when you’re finally together. 

4. Keep busy
Sometimes in a long distance relationship it can feel like all your time is occupied by thinking about your partner and how much you want to see them. Staying busy can help you make the most of your time apart in order to focus on yourself and what you need to accomplish. Plus you can tell each other all the fun things you’ve been doing to stay busy and may learn something new about yourself and your interests.

5. Video dates
Skype and FaceTime are two of the most important inventions created to aid long distance relationships! Seeing your special someone can be a refreshing change up from just hearing their voice or reading their words. Try to schedule a time to video chat with your partner whenever is convenient so it can feel like they’re right there with you.

Hopefully these tips will help you and your long distance partner feel connected to each other, even if you are many kilometeres apart!


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