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Hey Holly: Facebook Crush

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Ottawa chapter.

Would it be cray-cray to ask out a guy I met on Facebook? We met two weeks ago. He’s also in my program so he sold me his old textbook. When we met up, we naturally started talking. He was really nice, and seemed genuinely interested in how I am…it didn’t really go further than that, but I ended up leaving with warm thoughts about him. It feels strange because I haven’t spoken to him since so would it creep him out if I reached out to him again? Or is this just a stupid infatuation I need to forget? Help!


Befuddled Beyond Repair


Dear Befuddled Beyond Repair,

What is sexy about Bradley Cooper? His confidence!! What guy wouldn’t like a woman who takes charge and just speaks up and doesn’t beat around the bush? Be straight up with your crush, tell him you felt a connection and ask him out on a light date like coffee. This way, talking face to face, you can figure out if it is just an infatuation or if your feelings are real. Coffee shouldn’t “creep him out”, plus it doesn’t over commit you to what could be a long overly boring/awkward date. Things going well? Go for a skate on the Canal, or stay warm and play board games and share a snack at The Loft. What’s the worst he could say, no? Isn’t it better to have asked, rather then keep wondering what if?

Good luck!




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