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Her, You and I, United We Stand: SLUTS!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Ottawa chapter.

“OMG that girl is an absolute slut!” When overhearing someone yelling this what would be the first thing that comes to your mind? That girl has sex with lots of men and she does not respect herself ? Several of you are familiar with this term that is often lightly tossed around regarding a negative characteristic of a woman. For those of you that are unfamiliar with the term “slut” the Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines the term as:

  •  A Slovenly woman
  •  A promiscuous woman; especially: Prostitute
  •  A saucy girl

Examples of Slut: “She had a reputation around town for being something of a slut.”

Merriam-Webster Dictionary also provides a list of some synonyms that may allow you to better your understanding if you are still not getting the picture: Bimbo [slang], hoochie [slang], hussy, floozy, tramp, wench.

Hopefully you now have a grasp of this term. In today’s society the term slut carries a negative connotation. Being called a slut is something that can often harm the feelings of women. Hopefully in the future this word may not be seen as having such negative implications. This is the goal of the Sluts Unite movement that is currently taking place:

Sluts Unite is a sex-positive movement that brings people together who believe in tolerance, acceptance and personal freedom. It is their goal to take what was intended to be a hateful, derogatory word and change it into something positive through the power of the collective (slutsunite.org).

Due to the fast cultural shifts throughout society women as sexual agents have been placed front and center. The lack of tolerance, acceptance and personal freedoms has been impeded when they should be emerging. Empowering women to make their own choices is something that this movement has a focus on. Deborah Turkheimer, a Law professor at DePaul University, has dedicated research towards the Sluts Unite and Slut Walk movements. Her findings on these movements are “The most significant feminist initiative to have emerged in decades…how women are insisting on sex without rape and sexuality without judgment in a movement” (Turkheimer, 3). This expresses the importance of the convergence of the anti-rape movement and pro-sex norms.

Sluts Unite is a Sir Richards initiative. Yes, that is correct the Sir Richards condom company!  This company has a mission on a global level:

  • The Problem: is that there is a huge condom shortage leaving millions of people susceptible to some of the world’s most preventable diseases.
  • The Challenge: From the ground up, build a company with the power to help address this pressing global health crisis.
  • The Solution: Every Sir Richards condom purchased, they contribute one to a developing country. Sir Richards implements their mission through educational health institutions.


When companies have the mantra of donating one for one to developing countries there comes with this a lot of controversy. We are not here to advocate for this company but they have created a sex-positive movement that could potentially eliminate the idea of women being called sluts for making safe choices. There is an oath with this movement: will you take it? To come together with your fellow “sluts” to stand up and participate in a sex-positive movement that may in fact eliminate the derogatory connotations associated with the term slut.


Sluts Unite Oath:

I believe that sex represents more than just the creation of children.

I believe it is an enjoyable, healthy and a profound part of the human experience.

I also believe that the responsible use of birth control is an essential component of a mature, civilized society.

And if these beliefs make me a slut in some people’s eyes, then so be it.

I will stand united with my fellow sluts, now and always.


If this does interest you, the Sluts Unite website has a “slut pledge” that you can take which includes choosing an avatar that can be used on various social media websites. Who would have thought being called a slut could bring women who enjoy safe, pleasurable sex together and unite to advocate the positives associated with the word SLUT!



Tuerkheimer, Deborah, SlutWalking in the Shadow of the Law (February 22, 2012). Available at

SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=2009541 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.2009541




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