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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Ottawa chapter.

With the semester and school year over, I now have more free time than usual. There are no dry textbook readings to be read, and I can finally delve into fictional worlds after months rooted in reality. My go-to during the summer is a cute rom-com, bonus if I’m reading it during a sunny day! I have a few books I want to read this summer, and I thought I’d share some of them and hopefully inspire some new additions to your summer reading list.

When in Rome by Sarah Adams

I already started this book as soon as I was done with my exams and it is phenomenal. The perfect blend of funny, sweet, and intriguing. It follows pop-star Amelia, as she follows in the footsteps of Audrey in Roman Holiday, and goes to Rome . . . Kentucky. There she meets a sweet man named Noah, who shows her around town. In this small town she finally takes a breath after feeling stifled in her normal life. The problem is that she has to leave in a couple weeks, but every day the prospect of that last day is becoming more dreadful. I’ve been having a blast reading this book and it’s nice after not being able to read anything for months!

Love on the Brain by Ali Hazelwood

For my fellow STEM girlies, Ali Hazelwood is well known for giving us the STEM romance with The Love Hypothesis. I loved that book, it was cute and fun! It was also nice to catch all the nerdy biology jokes. This book follows Bee as she works with her nemesis, Levi, on a neuro-engineering project at NASA. I have high hopes for this one, and I’m sure it’ll be a fun book to breeze through on a sunny day.

Never Vacation with Your Ex by Emily Wibberley and Austin Siegemund-Broka

I love this duo and have been reading their books for years. They were on an adult rom-com kick and seem to have returned to YA-land with this recent release. I read another one of their books earlier this year called Do I Know You? and absolutely loved it. So I have high hopes for this one! The story follows Kaylee as she goes on her annual summer vacation to Malibu. The only problem? Her family vacations with her ex’s family. Since Kaylee dumped Dean, she plans on helping him get over her using her set of rules. Throughout this summer though, she might be changing her rules a little. 

This is just a glimpse into all the books I hope to get through this summer, but it’s a start! Have you read any of these books? Were any interesting to you? I hope you’ll add one or multiple of these books to your summer reading list!

Sally Adil

U Ottawa '25

Sally is a third year Biomedical Science student at uOttawa. When she's not studying, she's reading romcoms and watching k-dramas.