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DIY Face Masks: Skincare for the Cold Winter Months

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Ottawa chapter.

Now, being a University student, I know what’s it’s like having a budget, and not being able to get the Lush products that you so desperately want and/or need, or the Sephora face and body scrubs… Hell, you even have an obsession with Body Shop! Well there are solutions to save money, stay within your budget, and still get amazing face scrubs that WORK! 

Here are the top 3 various Home DIY face scrubs – ingredients that you can use and most likely have in your Kitchen/Bathroom!

Now, of course, there are TONS of recipes, and blogs that you can search for the best homemade facial masks and scrubs. And after searching the web myself to provide you with a nice variety, I’ve found 3 successful masks that you can try out!

Mask for Acne Prone Skin:


  • 1 Egg White,

  • ½ tsp Lemon Juice,

  • 1/3 tsp Turmeric powder!! (yay for ginger plant!)

This is a really great mask to help reduce blemishes and acne prone skin, lightens acne scars, and tightens skin!

According to healthmunsta, egg white and lemon juice both have oil control and properties that tighten up your pores, to leave behind smooth and beautiful skin. The lemon juice also has agencies that fight off bacteria, which can help prevent acne from re-appearing or spreading. This means no more blackheads or acne!! Finally, the ginger in the turmeric, helps lightens acne scars and also has anti-inflammatory properties that help inflamed acne! Yay for Turmeric 

Oatmeal Face Scrub! (Exfoliates)


  • Two parts finely grain oatmeal

  • One part honey

  • One part sweet almond oil (or coconut or olive oil)

Here’s a scrub (sometimes your face just needs a nice scrub-a-dub-dub!) that has oatmeal, honey, and almond oil to help give your face that deep cleansing after a long day or week. Oatmeal can be found in many products for sensitive and dry skin; it not only has moisturizing qualities but also relieves redness, itchiness, rashes, and even has anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidants to help keep your skin healthy and glowing with perfection (without irritating your skin!).

This mask is great to help exfoliate, moisturize, and get rid of acne! Simply mix the ingredients together, massage into face, being careful to avoid eye area. Leave on for 4-5 minutes, and after giving a final scrub, rinse off with warm water.

Mask to protect your skin!

Finally, here’s a recipe that will help protect your skin, that promotes tissue growth, reduces bacteria, reduces the look of dry skin, and even brightens skin! It’s the super masks of all super masks!

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • 2 tbsp Pumpkin Puree

  • 1 egg white

  • ½ tbsp of apple cider vinegar

Mix all ingredients together until you get a nice smooth texture, and then apply to face and neck, avoiding eye area. Leave on for 15-20 minutes, and then rinse off with warm water. 

DIY facemasks can be hard to come across, especially if you have sensitive skin! But it never hurts to try and see what you may like. Just be aware of the ingredients, making sure that you don’t have any intolerance or allergies to some!

Let us know your DIY face mask experience by tagging us with your DIY facemask selfie #FaceMasksHC! Tag us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter!

Credits: 1 2 3 4 5

Hey my name is Madison, and I'm a fourth year English & Communications major at the University of Ottawa. I love fashion, beauty, and anything health related! I'm a frequent blogger (yay for tumblr), painter, writer, vinyl collector, traveler, shopaholic, and a hopeless romantic.