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Christmas Gift Guide: 5 Easy DIY Gifts for the Beauty Lover

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Ottawa chapter.

Finding the perfect Christmas gift for a beauty lover sounds easy, in theory, but in reality can be your worst nightmare. With so many options, like perfume, makeup, and jewelry, it’s easy to get overwhelmed and second-guess yourself. On top of that, the huge gift sets at Sephora you really want to get her are just a little out of your student budget. Well, have no fear, because the DIYs are here! Seriously, a cute and crafty DIY is a thoughtful and personalized gift that shows you care and is a little lighter on your wallet. Plus, you get to channel your creativity and try out a couple DIYs you’ve seen on Pinterest. Check out these five DIYs and get inspired!

1. Makeup Storage Mason Jars

Let’s be honest, everything looks better in mason jars. They’re cute, functional, and make great additions to your home décor. They can also make a great Christmas gift for your beauty-loving companion. The jars can help organize the dozens of makeup brushes and other beauty tools she has at home. With a little glitter, a splash of colour, and a cute bow, these mason jars will make a perfect gift you know she’ll use forever. See the tutorials for a fun washi tape mason jar or pick a fancy glitter mason jar for guidance.

What You’ll Need

  • Mason Jars: visit a local dollar store, Michaels, Walmart, or even a home hardware store like Canadian Tire.

  • Washi Tape OR Glitter, Modge Podge, and Ribbon: Michaels, Walmart, or Target

2, Spa-Worthy DIYs

If you really want to pamper your beauty-loving friend, then a DIY spa gift is the perfect choice. Get back to the basics with a facemask, lip stain, or body scrub. These recipes are easy, quick, and au naturel. Try making a Strawberry Lip Stain Homemade Lip Balm or a Honey and Brown Sugar Body ScrubBy making your own beauty product you can personalize it by creating your own scents and flavours. This is the ultimate #TreatYourself gift for any beauty junkie and a fun way to creating your own makeup and other beauty products.

What You’ll Need

  • Most ingredients can be found in your local grocery store or natural food retailer

  • Containers can be found at a local dollar store, Michaels, or Walmart

3. The Beauty Goodie Bag

There’s a reason we give out goodie bags at birthday parties. They’re fun, easy, and filled with some great things. So why not create your own version of the best beauty goodie bag ever? You can fill it with literally anything beauty-related and it will make a great gift. Do you have any beauty samples lying around like perfume testers or individual facemasks? If not, try looking for makeup minis or travel-friendly cosmetics like lip-gloss, hand cream, and a compact mirror. The important part is to include the things you know she likes and uses often. 

What You’ll Need:

  • A cute makeup bag from Forever21 or Sephora or a jar instead of a bucket

  • Any beauty-related products that will fit like lip-gloss, perfume testers, etc.

4. DIY Jewelery Box

A girl can never have too many stud earrings. This is a fact. However, it’s very easy to run out of places to put all of your earrings. That is, until now. This DIY jewelry box is the perfect solution for any girl who has a large collection of stud earrings or rings. Not only will it help organize all her jewelry but it will also makes a great display piece in her room. This video tutorial is easy to follow and won’t take long once you have all of your tools together.

What You’ll Need:

  • Wooden Cigar Box: visit a local dollar store, Michaels, or Walmart

  • Foam sheet: can purchased at Michaels or Walmart

  • Other items like scissors, a ruler, and paint: either at home or purchased at dollar store, Michaels, etc.

5. The Ultimate”Mani-in-a-Jar”

This is absolutely the best gift for any girl who loves nail art. The mani-in-a-jar is literally like Christmas a jar. It can include all the things a girl needs to create the perfect manicure at home. Cover the basics by including nail polish, remover, nail clippers, and cotton balls. You can also add extra fun things like nail stickers and studs or other spa-inspired products like cuticle oil.


What You’ll Need:

  • Nail polish: can be purchased at a local drug store or beauty retailer

  • Dotting Tool: visit Claire’s or Sephora

  • Cotton balls, cotton swabs, and nail polish remover: visit a local drug store

  • 3D Nail Art Adhesives: can be found at Forever21, Sephora, or Claire’s

  • Other nail tools like nail clippers, buffer, nail file, cuticle trimmer, etc. can be purchased at a local drug store, Murale, or Sephora

These DIYs gifts are both fun to make and fun to receive. Remember that presentation is everything. This is a one-of-a-kind gift from one friend to another so don’t be afraid to get creative with labels and packaging. And of course, be sure to tag us on Instagram and Twitter if you share your Christmas DIYs!

Twitter: @HCuOttawa

Instagram: @hercampus_uottawa

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Kaysey graduated from the University of Ottawa with a double major in English and Sociology and is currently studying Professional Writing and Communications at Humber College. She hails from the fabulous city of Toronto and can quote Disney like it's her job. Some of her favourite things to do are reading, writing, and aimlessly surfing the internet for inspiration. Follow her on Twitter or Instagram, @kaysey_dee,  or check out her blog: Portrait of a Fashionista