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Campus Cutie: Francesco Caruso

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Ottawa chapter.

Name: Francesco Caruso
Pronouns: He/Him
Program: Conflict Studies and Human Rights with a minor in Sociology
Year: 2nd
Relationship Status: Dating, and going strong!

Her Campus: Who is your celebrity soulmate?
Francesco Caruso: Josh Hutcherson, hands down.

HC: What sort of clubs/groups/activities are you involved in on campus?
FC: I’m the Communications Supervisor for the SFUO’s Pride Centre, as well as being involved with a few different clubs on campus, such as Get REAL, which is a university student initiative to combat homophobia and transphobia in high schools; the Regroupement étudiant franco-ontarien (RÉFO), which represents the 22,000+ francophone students enrolled in post-secondary education across Ontario; as well as being a part of the Carleton Chapter of the Acacia Fraternity (Frats can have members from different campuses, but don’t worry, my GeeGee heart will never falter!).

HC: How would your friends describe you in 3 words?
FC: Open-minded, enthusiastic, and, unfortunately, a procrastinator. (That’s more than 3 words, my bad.)

HC: Favourite place to study?
FC: The Pride Centre! It’s an amazing safe(r) space available to students that is often quiet (plus has really comfy couches!)

HC: If you could eat only one thing for the rest of your life, what would you pick?
FC: Probably… tacos? You can get all your food groups, plus, let’s be honest, taco night is always a good time.

HC: What are you passionate about?
FC: I’m very involved in student politics and social justice. I’m the most passionate about making sure everyone feels safe and comfortable, wherever they might be.

HC: Any thoughts about what you would like to do after university?
FC: After my undergrad, I’m hoping to get into uOttawa’s French stream of the Common Law program! After that… well, the eternal plight of a university graduate: finding a job, somewhere, somehow!

HC: Picture yourself 50 years from now- what do you see?
FC: Someone who can never quite completely settle down. I want a family and kids (and possibly grand-kids by that time), but I still want enough spice in my life to be excited for what will come tomorrow.

HC: Favourite memory from first year?
FC: Definitely has to be getting to know all of my new friends. I came to uOttawa wanting to rebuild a completely new social circle, and I honestly couldn’t ask for a better group of people to be with.

HC: Favourite memory (so far) from this year?
FC: Hands down, it has to be the first week of school: being a 101 Week Guide for CHRA, back to working at the Pride Centre, and helping with my fraternity’s Rush, all at the same time. It was completely exhausting, but it reminded me how much I missed school (and everyone I saw).

HC: What are you most excited for this year?
FC: I’m super excited to explore my COOP option. It’s been something I’ve been waiting for, even before I got admitted to uOttawa, so it’s definitely something I’m looking forward to.

HC: Anything else we should know about your wonderful self?
FC: I’m a ridiculously huge Game of Thrones fan, I use way too many commas when I write, I rock out to P!nk daily, and I’m secretly still waiting for my letter to come from Hogwarts. I’m also honestly convinced that someday I’ll start going to the gym (not today, though. But someday!).

Thank you for taking the time to chat with Her Campus uOttawa Francesco!

All of the pictures have been taken from Francesco’s social media!

Emily first got involved in the University of Ottawa's Her Campus chapter in 2015 and is currently part of the Entertainment team. She is in her final year of Conflict Studies and Human Rights with a minor in Women's Studies, works for Public Safety Canada as a Junior Communications Officer and is the President of Theta Sigma Psi sorority.