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Campus Celebrity: Our Other Co-Prez Lynn

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Ottawa chapter.

Last week Lynn interviewed me as our Campus Celebrity and I don’t want her to feel left out so I’ve decided to return the favour (well, that and because she lives across the street from me so there’s no way I can avoid her!) So, without further ado, here is my interview with the cooler co Prez, Lynn Chalati!

Her Conference 2015 (L to R) Zoë & Lynn

HC: Tell us the basics.LC: I’m a fourth year Communications student here at uOttawa and it’s so the program for me; I love it! I’m a hockey fan (Go Sens Go!) but can’t skate/stick handle/play hockey in general for my life. No one on earth loves their housemates more than I do (I still live at home with my mom, dad and loaf of a cat). I would like someone to hire me to nap for a living.

HC: What was your favourite part of the Her Conference in NYC this summer?LC: I listened to Hilary Rushford (Dean Street Society) give an Instagram talk and I kind of ran with it. She had some really great tips! It’s not excatly art, but I like my Insta account right now. Check it out! I also really liked meeting HC-ers from all over. It was really cool to sit in a room with a ton of girls all looking to do the same thing…That and Chipotle.

HC: Favourite animal?LC: Okay, I love sea turtles because they carry their homes on their backs, but I also have a thing for raccoons. They’re so freaking cute and smart. Can we insert that raccoon in the pool gif here, please??

Editor’s Note: Here you go, girl:


HC: Why did you join Her Campus uOttawa?LC: I love writing. I used to suck at English class and I’m dyslexic, but this has always been fun and exciting for me. Thank you Mrs. Wynne, my 12th grade English teacher for showing me I was good at this. Fun fact though, Zoë got me into Her Campus!

HC: If you could give any advice to first years what would it be?LC: You get a chance to reinvent your own wheel. Go nuts, man. Try new things and learn more about you. Everything else will fall into place once you do that.

HC: You asked me to do a “this or that” in my interview. Can you fill out the same one for me?

Coffee or Tea: Coffee

Apple or Orange: Banana?

Puppies or Kittens: Kittens

Pizza or Shawarma: I only eat my mom’s shawarma but I do love Pizza.

Study on or off campus: Off

F21 or H&M: H&M

Gosling or Reynolds: Reynolds

Olivia Benson or Meredith Gery: Neither, but both cats.



Raccoon Gif

Zoe Crego

U Ottawa '17

Zoë held the position of President of Her Campus at uOttawa from 2015-2017 and was a Senior Chapter Advisor. She graduated from the University of Ottawa in 2017 and has pursued a career in the Canadian federal public service. She is very grateful to Her Campus for providing a creative outlet while studying and believes her experience with Her Campus helped her grow professionally and personally.    
Daughter, sister, student, friend. I have a fond love for good board games, napping and tea. I consider myself to be a professional apple cutter.