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Ben Pearson: From Parti Party to SCENE, Leaving Your Print on Campus

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Ottawa chapter.

Balancing school, work and having a social life can be difficult, but when on top of that you have to plan events for hundreds of students, it adds a whole new level of challenges. Ben Pearson has been an active volunteer on campus and has had a remarkable impact on students’ life on campus for the past three years: first, as part of the SFUO social crew “ Parti Party” and now as Vice-President of Social Affairs Anglophone of the Health Sciences Student Association (HSSA). As an active member on Parti Party, Ben was able to take part in organizing campus wide events such as Winter Challenge and Relay of Life. Prior to getting engaged on campus, Ben was a summer enrichment coordinator for the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Ottawa, which consisted of planning events for groups of MS patients weekly over the summer months. Who would have thought back then that he would end up being VP Social for two full mandates?

In April 2011, Ben was a little hesitant to run on the executive of the HSSA. Indeed, he did not make it two years in a row as a 101 guide. He is the living proof that it is never too late to get involved and he also demonstrates the importance of seizing opportunities. Being VP Social is not only about planning regular events, they have to be successful extravaganzas. The ingredients needed to organize an event that will be memorable are definitely found throughout his work. Ben explains that getting involved for him is a way to “make a difference on campus and enrich student life”. With events such as a Shinerama Carnival for the past two years during 101 week, two Soccer Tournaments, two wild trips to Montreal and much more on his agenda, Ben is definitely one of the VP Socials that will leave his mark on campus.

Recently, this Health Sciences student was nominated as one of TOP 40 students leader by Campus Perks via a SCENE sponsorship program. He has been getting support from the University of Ottawa’s community which allowed him to get to the TOP 20. Thereby, he had the chance of receiving prizes from SCENE to give out at a Soccer Tournament that was recently organized by the Health Sciences Students’ Association in partnership with the Conflict Studies and Human Rights Students’ Association. However the competition is not over, Ben still needs your support ! If he wins, not only would he be able to host a free movie premiere for students on campus, but he will also receive 5000 $ in sponsorship which would allow him to get creative, throw even more awesome events and make the University of Ottawa’s students experience an unforgettable one! Make sure to check out his upcoming Halloween Bash that will be held on October 31st with the Human Kinetics Student Association !

As Benjamin Robert Pearson says: “Whether it be running a 101 week that ensures all students start of their university career with a solid friend set or offering students a break from the books throughout the year, my main motivation is to ensure the years students spend here at the University of Ottawa are memorable! These reasons keep me planning events throughout the year and there is nothing better than the feeling of completing a successful event after all the hard work has been put into it ”.

He also wants you to remember that “ if you think you’re too small to make a difference you have not lived in an apartment with bed bugs”.

Here is the link to register for a SCENE card and help Ben with this contest: http://prod.mtcontent.com/SCENEster/ and select number 3 !


Ben Pearson is in the center surrounded by fellow HSS students Ronnie Daoud and Pat Bégin

Photo Credit: Ronnie Daoud