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6 Tips for Taking Better Instagram Photos

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Ottawa chapter.

Looking to boost your Instagram feed but don’t know where to start? Here are a few of my tips!

1. Native Camera >> Instagram’s Camera

You don’t need a fancy camera to take great pictures, your smartphone’s camera is more than capable! However, you should definitely use your native camera app instead of Instagram’s, and learn to use the different controls it may include.

2. Take lots and lots of pictures!
Just like with anything else, practice is key! You don’t have to post every single photo you take, and you can delete them all at the end of the day if you’d like, but this will help you practice finding optimal lighting, framing and angles. The best photos almost always take more than one shot!

3. Plan Instagram Missions/Sessions

Sometimes you’ll get lucky and take the perfect picture by chance but this rarely happens. If you really want to step up your Instagram game, find time to dedicate to taking photos. I like to go for walks around the city just to explore and go to places I’ve never been. Regardless of what you like to take pictures of, plan it out by capturing with the plenty of light, and organize your subject(s) if applicable.

4. Editing Apps

Now that you have your shot, it’s time to get to editing. Don’t add a million and one filters, instead enhance the different components of your photo. My favourite third party editing app is VSCO, but other ones to try include Snapseed and EyeEm. Start with editing the basics (ie. brightness, contrast, saturation) and then add a filter if you’d like (note that you can also adjust the intensity of the filter).

5. Hashtag with a purpose

When you’re contemplating using hashtags, use ones that apply to the theme of your picture. I’ll be the first to admit that I often use hashtags to bring more attention to my posts, but hashtags are also about contributing to a community with a common interest. Basic hashtags to include would be the location and theme of your photo (ie. #ottawa, #food, #catsofinstagram, etc.). You can also explore hashtags to get inspiration for future photos and find other accounts to follow.

6. Have fun with it!
Take this as an opportunity to go on adventures in your city, or try new activities with friends. You don’t have to be a world traveler, find the beauty in your everyday life and capture moments, places, people, and things that you love.
At the end of the day, Instagram is about expressing your personality and creativity, so make sure that your photos ultimately make you happy.


Editor’s Note: You can follow Gabby on Instagram here!

Sources: 1, 2, & 3

Daughter, sister, student, friend. I have a fond love for good board games, napping and tea. I consider myself to be a professional apple cutter.