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6 Easy Soup Recipes to Cozy Up To This Fall

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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Ottawa chapter.

We have officially entered my favourite season, fall! To truly make the most out of it, I’m sharing my favourite soup recipes. Fall provides the perfect opportunity to cozy up with a cup of your favourite warm beverage, a nice comfortable sweater and a classic fall movie—and if you want to enhance your coziness even further this fall, you can never go wrong with a nice bowl of warm soup.

French Onion Soup
Not only is this soup delicious, but it also makes you feel like you know what you’re doing around the kitchen. I usually make this soup when I feel like a bit of a mess and need some sort of accomplishment, because when I pull that dish out of the oven, I feel like I can conquer anything. I know it’s a bit laborious, but this recipe makes it simple and easy, fulfilling your craving for a flavourful bowl of soup.

Pumpkin Soup
We cannot talk about fall without mentioning pumpkins. We all know that the arrival of this season means all things pumpkin: pumpkin spice, pumpkin pie, and pumpkin carving… therefore, leaving pumpkin soup out of this list would be morally wrong. I recommend following this perfect recipe by Recepietineats.

Tomato Soup
I believe that tomato soup might be the perfect cure for everything. Growing up in a Mexican household, I loved whenever I came home and could smell tomato soup on the stove from the minute I entered the door. We call it tortilla soup because we garnish it with some fried or toasted tortilla bits, which can turn an already-good day into a perfect one! Allrecipes has a recipe which is easy to follow and comes out perfect every time.

Roasted Red Pepper Soup
Peppers are one of my favourite vegetables; they’re versatile, and you can eat them in numerous ways—fresh and raw, in a salad or cooked in a stir fry. Additionally, going off of the tomato soup, roasted red pepper soup is very similar and also incredibly delicious. I personally follow this Taste of Home recipe.

Spinach Cream
Not going to lie: I’m not always the best at eating my greens, especially with how fast they can rot at the back of the fridge. However, spinach cream will always make me channel my inner Popeye. Its creamy texture and smooth taste make me feel like I’m “strong to the finich.” NYTimes cooking has a flavourful recipe that only takes 30 minutes to make!

Carrot Cream Soup
Last but not least, my favourite soup: carrot cream soup. This soup, paired with little cubes of cream cheese, makes the best warm hug at the end of the day—especially while wrapped in a warm blanket with a good TV show on.

Cooking can be tedious, especially when there are classes to get to and assignments to hand in. However, these different recipes have never failed to make me feel better, and it helps that they last me for a while so that I don’t have to worry about cooking for a bit. Enjoy these fall soups and the cozy sweater weather that pairs perfectly with them!

Third-year Sociology and Feminist & Gender studies student who enjoys sports and poetry. @anasofiadlpn on Instagram