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5 Reasons to Try Small Group Fitness Classes

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Ottawa chapter.

The last time I took part in a group fitness class I was very scared. I attended a local class with my older sister with anxiety that I wouldn’t be able to keep up. After struggling to keep up during the class, I decided that group classes and I would never go well together. Feeling the pressure to keep up with the others and not knowing if I would be able to complete some of the exercises was discouraging. That was a few years ago, and since then I’ve been working out independently at the uOttawa and Algonquin College gym facilities.

In December I arrived home for Christmas break with a bit more time than usual. While awaiting the beginning of my internship I decided that I could either spend the next 6 weeks working out independently, or I could challenge myself to something new. I have always felt like I get good workouts in when I go to the gym by myself, but I knew that I wasn’t working as hard as I could’ve been.

People always say a summer body is made in the winter, so I decided to do some research about a local studio that focuses on group fitness classes as well as offering one-on-one training and nutrition plans. A few friends of mine recommended Howe Fit, located in Kingsville, Ontario, and approximately a 25-minute drive from my home. A bit of a commute, but completely worth it for the experience I’ve had over the course of the last 6 weeks.

As with any new experience, I was nervous the first few classes I attended at Howe Fit, unsure of what to expect and the intensity of the classes. Needless to say, the classes are challenging. After attending the first weeks of classes I am now more confident in my capabilities. So worth it.

Here are 5 reasons why you should change up your workout game and attend any group fitness classes you can get your hands on:

1.      Studios can provide a variety of classes, ranging from spin, weight training, TRX, yoga, Pilates, kickboxing, boot camps and many more that will be sure to kick your butt. Switching up your workouts will keep your body from plateauing, ensuring you’re challenging yourself in new and effective ways! You’ll never have to wonder what to do at the gym ever again.


2.      Attending group fitness classes allows you to make some new friends. Getting to know other people that are interested in the same types of workouts as you is beneficial for keeping up motivation and supporting you through that minute plank that feels like it will never end.


3.      Joining a studio where the same trainers rotate throughout classes provides you with accountability. They’ll know your name and they’ll also know if they haven’t seen you at the gym for a few days… It’s easier to skip out on workouts if you feel like you’re not letting anyone else down. Accountability is key!

4.      Small group workouts make you feel inspired, and maybe even a little competitive. You’ll be so inspired watching everyone else push through the last 30 seconds of high knees that you’ll continue. A little healthy competition never hurt! Challenging yourself to complete the full set of 10 walking pushups just like your neighbor did will pay off.


5.      You’ll see results. If you’ve decided that you’re ready to challenge yourself and commit to being fit, you will see the changes in your body. As long as you’re trying your best and dedicating that time at the gym to focusing on your health, you’ll be surrounded by encouragement from other members of the class as well as the trainers.


The point of all of this being, challenge yourself to a small group class. You know, the one you’ve been thinking of trying but weren’t sure you could keep up with. You can do it, or at least you can try. And each time you do you’ll become stronger.

The key is to find a studio with an environment that supports how you want to feel when you’re working out. This way you will want to return because you don’t want to miss out on another opportunity to feel strong, inspired and motivated to look and feel your best.

I’ve never felt as inspired as I have while attending fitness classes at Howe Fit and joining their studio has made me realize once again how important fitness is. With my upcoming move to Toronto, I’ll be looking for a new studio that can make me feel as great and motivated as Howe Fit does. If anyone has any recommendations, please comment and let me know!

Check out Howe Fit on Facebook, or on their website  for more information. 


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I'm a third year Honours Public Relations student at the University of Ottawa and am originally from Leamington, Ontario. I like to read, stay fit and spend time with family & friends!