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The 5 Looks You’ll See During Finals

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Ottawa chapter.

In the midst of final exams, things like healthy eating, exercise, and sleep seems to go out the window along with our sanity and good hygiene. Our exam schedules are crazy, our stress levels are through the roof, and all we want to do is curl up into a ball and watch Netflix. Nothing seems to matter anymore, especially what we look like, because let’s be real, ain’t nobody got time for that! It’s a miracle we even made it to campus in one piece. We should be able to wear whatever we want. With that in mind, check out the top five looks you’ll see during finals.

1. Head-to-Toe School Swag

The only other time you will see this much school spirit is during a football game, but without cheers, and face paint…and fun. Instead, we wear our campus swag because they’re basically like fancy pyjamas, or the collegiate version of a velour tracksuit. These specialty sweatpants and hoodies are the coziest pieces of clothing we own and nobody will give us side-eye if we wear them on campus. If we could have our way we’d probably be walking around in this fantastic tracksuit because it’s probably the most accurate item of clothing we’ll ever wear in university.

2. The “IDGAF” Messy Bun

Now this hairdo is the go-to hairstyle during finals and is not to be confused with the effortless but chic messy bun we see on floating on Tumblr dashboards. No, we did not spend fifteen minutes trying to arrange our hair in this so-called artful disarray. In fact, it’s probably been a few days since we’ve washed our hair. After spending the night cramming for an 8:30 exam the next morning, the cleanliness of our hair matters little. This look requires little effort. We literally just threw some dry shampoo in our hair, put it in a bun, and walked outside hoping for the best. Lucky for us, we still manage to look pretty cute. #MessyHairDontCare!

3. The “Comfy-Chic” Combo

The comfy chic combo the look most girls wear because it is simple and comfortable. We no longer care about what actually looks cute because comfort is more important. We basically live in leggings during this time and switch between our Hunters and Uggs. There is no shame in our game. To finish off our comfy combo, we usually go for our favourite knit sweater and layer with a cardigan. Add an infinity scarf and we’re good to go!

4. The (Bare) Minimalist

This look is pretty self-explanatory and probably the most common during finals. We barely had enough time to get dressed and make it to campus for our exam so the chances of us wearing makeup or having a fresh manicure are slim to none. In fact, we’ll probably be sporting our glasses, for those of us who wear them, because putting in contacts was too much of an effort. If we are wearing makeup it’s the bare minimum, as in a come coats of mascara and one coat of tinted lip-gloss. Yet, despite our bare faces, we still have enough confidence to snap a few or twenty selfies: #NoMakeupSelfie!

5. Dressed to Excess

Last but certainly not least is the girl who is dressed to excess. We don’t know how she found the time but she still managed to pick out an outfit, style her hair, and put on a full face of makeup. She’s either a freshman who didn’t know about the casual dress code or she just really likes wearing heels. This girl looks like a model off duty. Her look may be more laidback, rocking pleather leggings or a cute dress, but her outfit is still on point. This look may be rare during finals but we can definitely appreciate her unwavering dedication to looking good. Four for you, Glen Coco! You go Glen Coco!

Final exams can be difficult and sometimes our style suffers as a result. There is, however, a silver lining. You are not alone. No one can and no one will judge you or your fashion faux pas during final exams because we understand exactly what you’re going through. Think of finals as an all-included free pass from the Plastics in Means Girls. The rules we impose on ourselves during the school year do not apply during finals. So wear your hair up in that classic messy bun and live in your sweatpants everyday if you’d like. As far as we’re concerned, the limit does not exist. 


Credits: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


Kaysey graduated from the University of Ottawa with a double major in English and Sociology and is currently studying Professional Writing and Communications at Humber College. She hails from the fabulous city of Toronto and can quote Disney like it's her job. Some of her favourite things to do are reading, writing, and aimlessly surfing the internet for inspiration. Follow her on Twitter or Instagram, @kaysey_dee,  or check out her blog: Portrait of a Fashionista