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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Ottawa chapter.

And just like that, the fall term is over and the winter break is now (finally!) upon us! While I now have ample amounts of time to sit back and relax, I’ve been taking this much needed time off to also reflect on this past half of the school year. What parts of it were the most challenging? Overall, how much did I really learn and experience during this first semester? Read on to find out!

take your time

While it’s super easy to get caught up in the rush and chaos of school assignments, studying, work, and everything else, I’ve now realized the importance of taking my time in life and not simply rushing through everything. This sentiment (for me at least) applies mostly to my school work, which I would often rush. Although rushing did enable me to get everything done, looking back I think I could have taken everything just a tad bit slower and still had the same outcome.

take each day as it comes

On a similar note, I’ve also realized the importance of taking each day as it comes. At times, life can be so overwhelming, and it can be quite easy to become overwhelmed by those feelings of stress and exhaustion. Life can throw all kinds of hurdles to overcome, and I’ve learned that the best way to tackle them is to just break life down day-by-day.

Try not to compare yourself to others

Last but not least, I’ve learned to avoid comparing myself to others. I know that this is easier said than done, but university can be such a competitive environment at times, and it can be easy to fall into the trap of feeling inferior to others. While I can’t really think of a surefire way to avoid this comparison, I at least try to remind myself that no matter how talented or successful one may appear, I will never know their whole story and what issues or challenges they are facing. I can admire them for their accomplishments and understand that they are far more complex then just those things. Above all, I can admire them while not critiquing my own abilities.

Maddie Bhamjee

U Ottawa '25

Hi, my name is Madeleine or Maddie!! I am a first-year student pursuing a double major in political science and philosophy. You'll find me writing!