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3 DIYs to Up-cycle Your Old Tees

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Ottawa chapter.

D-I-Y: three letters that scare a lot of people. For some, DIY means unrealistic Pinterest goals that lead to unbelievably funny failures, but fear not, there are some manageable DIYs that require only a couple of tools. We all have that one old tee that we love for one reason or another and we just can’t seem to get rid of it. This nostalgic tee may be worn out, out of style or just plain boring and in need of a little pick me up. Here are three easy DIYs for you to pump up that old tee and add a new piece to your closet without any dollars spent.

Cut at your own risk! Once you cut you can’t go back… but make it work, collegiettes.

1. The Rockstar Slashed Tee
Anne from WobiSobi gave the Internet this awesome and grungy slashed tee. As per all of these DIYs, don’t fret if the resulting product isn’t exactly what you thought it would be. The best part of DIYs is that they end up being totally unique in one way or another.

What you need:

  • T-Shirt
  • Scissors
  • Chalk

Find the instructions at WobiSobi.

2. The Tie-Back Tank
This tank is perfect for the upcoming summer sunshine. Love Maegan gave us the step-by-step instructions to turn an old baggy tee into a flowy tank with scissors and ribbon (although you can really use anything for the tie-back).

This tank is a perfect pairing for a pair of high waisted denim cut-offs or a pencil skirt.

What you need:

  • T-Shirt (duh)
  • Scissors
  • Ribbon
  • Chalk

Find the instructions at Love Maegan

3. The Lazy Girl Tank
Looking for something quick and easy? Simple: take your old graphic or band tees and crop them (if you want) by cutting off the shirt at the top of your waist (or however long you like your tanks), and cutting each side and tie at the bottom.

It’s simple, cute, and perfect for the beach or over a bralet.

These DIYs are the best way to update your wardrobe without a penny spent. The feeling you get when they work out beats the shopping buzz, and when they don’t… well it makes for a funny SnapChat or Insta.

Try one of these DIYs or have some of your own? Tag us in your Instagram @HCuOttawa, or post it on our Facebook.


Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6