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15 Steps to Being Productive (but not actually getting anything accomplished)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Ottawa chapter.

Step 1: Make a to-do list. List everything that you would like to get accomplished today starting with the most important task. Keep this list somewhere visible so you can always be painfully aware of what you’re not doing.

Step 2: Before you start your immensely productive day, you need to power that big ‘ol brain with some delicious food! Make a meal and watch your favourite show.

Step 3: Finish all your food but continue watching your show – after all it wouldn’t make sense to stop half way!

Step 4: Watch the next episode. It was a cliff hanger and there is absolutely no way you could focus on your tasks for the day without knowing what happens.

Step 5: Check every single social media site known to mankind. Although you have lots of work to get done, you simply cannot be expected to neglect your blossoming social life.

Step 6: Make sure to update those social media forums. Instagram a picture of your macbook, your textbook and highlighted notes and add a super awesome filter. Tweet about how horribly awful this studying thing is: #stuDYING #universitylife. This way everyone will know how completely busy you are and not to entice you with fun plans.

Step 7: Time to get down to business. Start thinking about what you need to get done. Blankly stare at your notes/ textbooks/ slides/ computer screen and try to absorb information.

Step 8: FEW! What hard work, you deserve a break. Browse the internet and google random things for about an hour. You deserve it!

Step 9: Alright it’s time to get to it and show this essay who’s boss, but not on an empty stomach! Repeat steps 2 through 4.

 Step 10: Start to feel guilty for the lack of work you’ve been doing. Aimlessly highlight your whole textbook and all your notes.

Step 11: Okay now you’re motoring. To keep that concentration going spend an hour putting together the perfect studying playlist, it will definitely help you focus.

Step 12: All this classical music is making you sleepy. Take a quick study break and go grab a latté from starbs.

Step 13: Run into some of your friends at the coffee shop. Invite them over for a “study party” which quickly turns into cocktail study breaks and then full out binge drinking.

Step 14: Stumble to your bed and take one last glance at that to-do list stuck to your bulletin board. There’s always tomorrow!

Step 15: Look at the to-do list you made yesterday. Always keep this in the back of your mind so you can be painfully aware of what you’re not doing.


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