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10 Reasons Why Graduating is #Ballin’

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Ottawa chapter.

With exam season coming to a end, for all you fourth year students out there this also means that graduation is scarily close. And by scarily close, I mean that you’re all basically graduated.  My newsfeed has been bombarded with different variations of the classic “done my undergrad, what now?” status. There have also been many articles circulating about “things that you can no longer do once you graduate”, “top awesome things about being an undergrad” and so on. Yes, graduating is scary and its true that the next person that asks me what I plan on doing with the rest of life will be getting a seriously hard kick in the shins. However, despite all the angst and unknowns that surround graduating, there are many things one should celebrate. I decided to turn the tables on the “things you can no longer do” list into a list of all the awesome things that come with graduating.


#1 your schedule is a blank canvas

Although it might be terrifying to not have the safety net of going to school in September, look at it this way : you don’t necessarily have to be in school in September. Grad school, traveling the world, work full time,  play call of duty all day (no judgement!) but the choice is entirely yours and you can for the first time in your life be wherever the heck you want to be come September.

#2 you officially get to make fun of first years now.

Since you’re SO much more mature than them now that you’ve graduated (or at least you’ve gotten pretty darn good at pretending that you are).


#3 no. more. scantrons.


#4 say goodbye to Rabaska… forever.

Nope, not just for a few months this time. Might as well sing some TSwift to it because you are never ever ever getting back together. Unless you’re doing your masters at uO. Awkward.


#5 remember that annoying thing called student politics?

Neither do we.


#6 you will never again experience that embarrassing moment of having your phone go off in a massive lecture.

This one is pretty self explanatory.


#7 you get to read for fun again.

No more course packages or endless books you need to read because your prof insists you do. Now you’re free to read for fun like you used to!


#8 you get to put your bachelor degree on your CV and write that it’s in fact completed.

Sure the job market sucks and being a graduate probably won’t make much of a difference when applying anyways.. but hey, at least you’ll feel like more of a boss when you do.


#9 you get to wear those cool hats.

And take even cooler pictures while wearing them. Instaaaagram #grad #timeflies #allgrownup #uottawa #memories #academic #yougetthepoint


#10 last but not least, you are graduated !!! You made it !!!

Although the future is unknown and scary, you are now a graduate which is actually pretty darn incredible. And if you don’t believe me , you’ll see how you feel come next December when all your friends still in their undergrad are posting depressing statuses about exams, while you will be experiencing the holiday spirit for the first time in four years.


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