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Wolverine Weekends with Caroline: Autumn Burst

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mich chapter.

Wolverine Weekends With Caroline: Autumn Burst
Walking around downtown Ann Arbor this past weekend, in the midst of the unconventional yet welcoming 80-degree weather, patches of vibrant red, orange, and yellow leaved trees lined the streets.  Guess what collegiettes™? Fall has arrived!
While it’s always a bit depressing saying farewell to the beloved summer season, autumn does have its own perks!
Splendid Scenery
With the leaves around campus quickly changing colors, don’t forget to stop and marvel at the beautiful scenery.  Whether you’re strolling about campus or relaxing on the Diag during the last warm weather days of the year, take a minute to admire the arrival of the new season.  Grab your girlfriends and walk over to the infamous cube right by the Michigan Union where the fall colors are in full swing.  Don’t forget to spin the cube while you’re there!

Costume Craze
Of course, the arrival of fall means that Halloween is just a couple weeks away.  It’s time to start searching for that perfect costume, so if you haven’t already finalized your outfit, use time on the weekend to check out Ragstock or a similar thrift store for some wild, seductive, and inexpensive costume ideas.  From metallic go-go shorts, to fish net stockings and bright blue hair wigs, you can definitely piece together a one-of-a-kind costume.  If you’re in a time crunch, Ragstock has plenty of pre-packaged choices, too, so don’t rule out the possibility of dressing up in a sexy nurse dress just yet! 

Decorations De Jour
The weekends are a great time to decorate your dorm or apartment for the fall! Who doesn’t love being festive? Buy some glitter pumpkins to place on your coffee table or autumn leaf clings to jazz up your windows with.  Get creative.  Check out your local drugstore for some affordable decorations, and spend your Saturday afternoon getting in the fall spirit.
Essential Extras
Invite your girlfriends over for a pumpkin-carving extravaganza! If you’re feeling particularly ambitious, try carving out a ‘Block M.’  See what festivities are happening around campus or in town.  Maybe pick out an apple orchard to go to or experience a haunted hay ride!  Don’t’ forget to wear orange and black on Halloween!
Happy autumn!

Caroline is a junior at the University of Michigan, studying Communications & Writing. She was born and raised a Jersey girl but attends school in the Midwest and now lives out West in Arizona.  In her free time, Caroline enjoys playing tennis, reading James Patterson novels, cheering on the Wolverines at the Big House, lounging in the Arizona sunshine, and snuggling with her boxer puppy.