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Wolverine Weekends With Caroline: And That’s A Wrap…

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mich chapter.

It’s hard to believe the school year is almost over.  It seems like just yesterday that we were settling into our dorms and apartments, figuring out the best places to hang up pictures and posters and the most spacious way to arrange the furniture.  But with final exams starting up next week, the reality is setting in.  We’ll soon be parting ways with our friends and the college town that we’ve come to call home.  Don’t let the separation anxiety get the best of you, though.  Here are some tips for keeping Michigan close to the heart whether you’ll be a ten-minute car ride or ten hour plane trip away from campus this summer.
Make plans to visit
Maybe you’ll be spending the summer taking classes, participating in a 12-week internship program, or working as a camp counselor.  That isn’t to say you won’t have any free time to enjoy your summer with.  Coordinate a weekend with your girlfriends where you can all spend a long weekend back in Ann Arbor, catch up, and experience campus in the warm summer air, completely stress free.
Stay up-to-date
In our lavish technological era, it’s super easy to keep up with the latest news happening anywhere in the world.  Be sure to check out the University’s home page and Michigan sporting websites and blogs to stay up-to-date with the latest news and events happening around campus.  This way, you’ll still feel in the loop no matter where you’re located.
Plan ahead
Start making a list of things you want to do the first week you get back to school in the fall! This will help build the excitement and anticipation for next year and keep you connected with Michigan over the summer.  You could add a new restaurant you’ll want to eat at, an event you’ll want to experience, a store you’ll spend your hard-earned summer paycheck at, and of course, the top-parties to hit during welcome week.  Add things to the list all summer long, and you’ll be all set to tackle A^2 in September!
Sing the fight song…
Anytime and anywhere!  It’s a catchy little tune that we all know backwards and forwards.  When you find yourself missing the U of M atmosphere, which will happen more than once, just starting singing ‘The Victors.”  Before you know it, you’ll be back in the Big House once again. 

Caroline is a junior at the University of Michigan, studying Communications & Writing. She was born and raised a Jersey girl but attends school in the Midwest and now lives out West in Arizona.  In her free time, Caroline enjoys playing tennis, reading James Patterson novels, cheering on the Wolverines at the Big House, lounging in the Arizona sunshine, and snuggling with her boxer puppy.