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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mich chapter.

“You’d be hard-pressed to find an atheist during finals, everybody is prayin’ to god” William Savage  2014.

Tales of the horror of finals are told long before that two-week coffee-induced blur of study sessions ensue. We have all found ourselves wishing we went to that one lecture, or paid a little bit more attention in that seminar. It matters not to what deity the prayers are being offered up to-Buddha, Allah, God, or Saint Starbucks-what matters is there is a resurgence of faith during finals that has been hovering below the surface and it is now front and center. It seems that the only time we look to something greater is when we are in need. We might have faith in ourselves to get through the next test, but where is our faith daily? The University of Michigan offers a myriad of religious services weekly, and a list of them can be found here through the Michigan ARC (Association of Religious Counselors) website: http://www.umich.edu/~religion/ARC_spiritual_resources_2012_pdf.pdf .

Before the desperation of finals week, try a little faith this semester. You might just find something to believe in.