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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mich chapter.


What if…we didn’t chose to wear high heels and short skirts to get someone’s attention?


What if…we felt beautiful without makeup or dresses or curling irons?


What if…we didn’t feel like beauty was our end-all goal?


What if…we didn’t feel pressured to fit one type of ideal of femininity? 


What if…we didn’t diet, didn’t starve ourselves, and didn’t hate what we saw in the mirror?


What if…society didn’t tell us to diet, starve, or hate ourselves?


What if…we didn’t feel ashamed to love who we love?


What if…heteronormativity wasn’t normative?


What if…homophobia wasn’t so prevalent in society?


What if…choosing to have sex didn’t make us “sluts”?


What if…choosing to wait or save ourselves didn’t make us “prudes”?


What if…we didn’t have to choose between being a slut or a prude?


What if…being a “feminist” wasn’t synonymous with being a “man-hater” or a “crazy bitch”?


What if…we could walk down the street without being cat-called?


What if…we didn’t feel scared to walk home alone at night?


What if…society didn’t teach women to not get raped, but rather taught men not to rape?


What if…it was never a question of how much alcohol she drank or what she was wearing?


What if…rape culture was eradicated?


What if…choosing to have a career wasn’t in constant competition with choosing to be a mother?


What if…we weren’t expected to be mothers?


What if…choosing to never marry didn’t mean there was something wrong with us or we were “un-lovable”?


What if…being a powerful businesswoman wasn’t shocking?


What if…fighting for equal pay opportunities wasn’t a fight at all?


What if… quality wasn’t even a question?


What if.

I'm a sophomore at the University of Michigan, majoring in Communications and Creative Writing. I like gifs, videos of people falling, and my cat. I don't take myself too seriously.