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The Value Of Inspiration

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mich chapter.


The word “inspiration” floats through the universe as frequently as a cloud. Philosophers, authors, motivational speakers, business CEOs and many more people frequently use this four-syllable word.  What does it mean? This word can sometimes sound vague, cliché and downright confusing. However, its definition is quite simple. The Oxford Dictionary defines inspiration as “the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative.” In other words, inspiration is what keeps the mind active.

The importance of this word cannot be underestimated. Without inspiration, the mind leads a dull and stagnant life. Creations would be lost and relationships would be boring without an inspired mind. So where do we find inspiration? It seems like we’re often caught up in the repetitive nature of our everyday lives and the endless to-do lists to actually find time to be inspired. With graduation creeping closer and closer for many of us, the panic of what’s going to happen next is increasing. The unknown is scary, but finding things that inspire can help.

It seems that when we make important life decisions, about things like jobs, we often consider pay, location and how it sounds to others. But what about inspiration? If inspiration is what keeps the mind stimulated, shouldn’t we choose things in our everyday life and a path that inspires us? With an active mind, our lives can move forward. And any forward motion is progress.

Think about what inspires you and focus on those things. They can keep the present moment exciting and your mind fulfilled and happy.

Here’s a list of 50 inspiring things:

1.     Books

2.     Blogs

3.     Pinterest

4.     Flowers

5.     Babies

6.     Puppies

7.     Recipes

8.     Yoga

9.     Running

10.  Kindness

11.  Walks

12.  Friends

13.  Family

14.  Fashion

15.  Sports

16.  Ted Talks

17.  Graduation speeches

18.  Technology

19.  Pictures

20.  Relationships

21.  Movies

22.  Beaches

23.  Sunlight

24.  Trees

25.  Chocolate

26.  Journals

27.  Writing

28.  Experiments

29.  Teaching

30.  The Food Network

31.  Travel

32.  Meditation

33.  Art

34.  Yo-Yo Ma

35.  Magazines

36.  Twitter

37.  Color

38.  Jewelry

39.  Beats

40.  Laughter

41.  Tears

42.  Games

43.  Conversations

44.  Music

45.  Class

46.  Goals

47.  Poems

48.  Hand-written letters

49.  Powerful women

50.  The University of Michigan