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Top 5 Ways to Spice Up Your Fall Wardrobe

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mich chapter.

Fall has finally arrived in Ann Arbor, which means it is time to pull out your sweaters and boots. Don’t get me wrong, I love fall fashion, but sometimes the sweater, jeans, and boots combination can get a little old. That is why I have put together 5 ways to spice up your typical fall outfit.

1.     Nail Polish and Designs

from cupcakesandcashmere.com

Nail polish is a great way to subtly add a natural embellishment to an outfit. For the fall months, a darker tone in either brown, maroon, navy, dark purple, or black will enhance your outfit. To make your nails a little more fun you can pick a “party nail” on each hand where you add a sparkle or design (usually I pick the ring finger).




2.     Booties

Booties are a great alternative to the classic boot. They are shorter and only hit your ankle, so embellishments don’t become overwhelming.  For example, you can totally get away with a studded bootie, while a boot that has studs from top to bottom would be a bit too much.



3.     Fun pants


Getting away from traditional jeans should be a high priority this fall. Opt for colored pants, in a maroon or army green. Also, a textured pant with details is a great alternative.




4.     Scarf on your bag

Adding a scarf to your purse or book bag can change the appearance of your outfit. It is extremely simple and can transform your look. You can also change the color or pattern of the scarf to match your outfit, which is a plus!



5.     Statement Necklace

Finally, a statement necklace with a simple sweater can accentuate the simplicity of the outfit. This one simple addition can change the entire outfit!