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Time Flies: Advice from a Graduating Senior

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mich chapter.

It’s hard to believe, but today I registered for my final semester of college classes. As I look back on the past four years, I think the most glaringly obvious thing about it is how fast it has gone. From the time you are a freshman to a junior, graduation sounds so far off that it’s barely a thought. We always think we have more time. As a senior who is just starting to figure out the whole college thing, here’s a few college experiences you should embrace before it’s too late.


  • Go Out on a Ridiculous Date


All too often collegiettes find themselves caught up with being single. When we have someone, we complain and stress about it, and when we don’t, it’s a constant struggle to find the next one. So don’t turn down that random guy who asked you to get coffee that one time. Always say yes! It doesn’t have to be forever, but it could be! And at the very least, you’ll probably get a good story out of it.


  • Ignore your work on a random Tuesday


If you’re someone who constantly finds yourself saying no to social events during the week because you have too much schoolwork, you’re probably better than most of us. But sometimes, it’s ok to procrastinate and get out and make memories with your friends. Your textbooks will still be there when you get home, but you only have so many nights with all your friends in one place.


  • Actually do your work on a random Tuesday


If you’re someone who can’t say no to social events, take a night off once in a while! You’d be surprised how rewarding it feels to wake up and have all your work done ahead of time before you go out!


  • Plan Ahead


Even though the future seems so far off when you’re starting out, it never hurts to plan ahead. Be sure to take advantage of career fairs, networking opportunities and everything else this campus has to offer. It will eliminate a great deal of stress when it comes time to actually set out in the real world.


  • Go to every sporting event


While I don’t think you can call yourself an official Michigan student if you haven’t been to a football game, there are so many other sports this school has to offer. Go to a volleyball game, hockey game, lacrosse game—our school has so many other talented athletes that often go unnoticed!


  • Sit on the diag/arb/somewhere on campus


When the weather gets a little warmer, take an hour for yourself and just sit. People watch in the diag. Sit at the overlook in the arb. You’d be amazed how peaceful it is and all the interesting things you’ll see on campus when you’re not rushing around from class to class.


Appreciate the time you have here because before you know it, you’ll be graduated! But as every Wolverine knows, it doesn’t end at graduation—forever Go Blue!

Elizabeth is a Senior at The University of Michigan and the Managing Editor of HC UMich. She is majoring in Communications, Screen Arts and Cultures and minoring in Writing. When she's not writing for HC, she works for the Big Ten Network Student U.