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Thoughts We All Have in the Dining Hall

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mich chapter.

Here we go again, time to pick the best worst option.

Is that even cooked? No. No. No. No Thank you. No.

I don’t want “Rosemary Pear Mac and Cheese,” I just want some normal mac and cheese.

Does this seriously count as a portion? What is this, food for ants? Why are they serving me elf-sized portions?

Oh God. Oh no. What is that smell? Step away from that now.

This isn’t Mom’s homemade lasagna…not even close.

Does this even qualify as meat?

Hey, this doesn’t seem that bad.

I mean there’s always pizza

I give up… I’ll take this, and this, and this, and yes this, too.


Images courtesy of: Giphy and memegenerator.net

The only thing I love more than being a wolverine is a bangin grilled cheese.