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Summer in LA: Welcome to Hollywood

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mich chapter.

A month ago, many of us probably thought that our summer would only consist of hot dates with the couch and 90210 marathons. We could have hardly pictured moving to Los Angeles by ourself and interning in Hollywood for the summer. But now as a fashion media intern for StyleHaul, a large YouTube network that manages hundreds of beauty and style channels, I help collect and organize information about our YouTube partners by researching makeup tutorials, fashion vlogs, and fitness videos. The city of Los Angeles has so much to offer, and here are a few reasons why it’s the perfect place for collegiettes to spend their summer:


1. The View On Your Way To Work


Every morning as you cruise down Sunset Boulevard, you will pass through miles and miles of giant palm trees. This amazing view is guaranteed to brighten your morning, and it might even make you forgive the dreaded hour-long commute and notorious LA traffic. 


2. Occasional Run-Ins With Celebrities


One of the many perks of working in Hollywood is crossing paths with some of the most interesting and unique people in the world. As a StyleHaul intern, you might have the honor of running into big YouTube stars, such as Bubzbeauty and Jason Chen, or you might find yourself working next door to Kevin Williamson, the creator of Dawson’s Creek and the producer of The Vampire Diaries!



3. It’s Always 75 Degrees and Sunny


The great thing about summers in Southern California is that, with its weather consistency, you can pretty much expect everyday to be warm and sunny. Dozens of beautiful beaches scatter the local area, making it a prime location for surfing, sand volleyball, and boardwalk strolls. 



4. The Amazing Food


The city of Los Angeles will open the doors to many new, exciting dining opportunities. From the authentic In-N-Out burgers to the electic food trucks to the popular Diddy Riese ice cream sandwiches, your taste buds are bound to be very satisfied. 



5. You Never Run Out of Things To Do


With countless museums, beaches, shopping centers, parks, and more, the city of Los Angeles has something special for everyone. So start a summer bucket list and fill it up with everything from riding the ferris wheel at Santa Monica pier to window shopping on Rodeo Drive to hiking through Griffith Park. 



6. You Will Learn So Much


Being a StyleHaul intern means not only racking up more beauty, fashion, and fitness knowledge than you will ever use in your life, but it also means gaining valuable real-world experience. You may be surprised by how much you can learn just by living on your own and working in a new environment.