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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mich chapter.


Spring has finally showed her face in Ann Arbor reminding us that are more options for outfits than just Northface!  Although the new season is just settling in, second semester is almost over and within the next few weeks, we will have left campus to start our long summer breaks. One of the most important items to purchase for summer is a new bathing suit. This year there are five adorable trends that represent a broad range of styles. Retro, floral, lingerie-inspired, ocean-toned, and color blocked suits are all “in” this season.


Retro- Urban Outfitters


This bathing is suit is adorable. The high-waisted bottoms really illustrate the “retro” look. I particularly love the tiny daisy print, which gives the suit, and it’s owner, a distinct character.

Floral- Asos


A floral bathing suit always feels like summer. I love this one because it looks very girly and fun. The little ruffles are a cute detail!

Lingerie Inspired- J.Crew


When I started seeing this trend, I was a little unsure about whether it was appropriate for the beach and public pool, especially for teenagers. However, this bathing suit has just the right amount of lingerie inspiration. The lace at the top, as well as the underwire, does the trick.

Ocean-Toned- Victoria’s Secret


Ocean tones always feel appropriate for summer. The addition of the broach on the bandeau top adds a little glitz, but still is appropriate for a day at the beach.

Color Blocking- Nasty Gal


When I saw this suit, I fell in love. Although it is not my typical style, it is bold and makes a statement… but a fashionable one.