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Study Inspiration from HC UMich!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mich chapter.


It’s Wednesday, April 20th and you finally get to sleep in because yesterday was the last day of classes. As you roll out of bed around eleven (which is a wonderful change of pace from your usual wake up call) it starts to sink in that you won’t have to go to lecture and listen to your professor drone on for a glorious four months. Spring fever is starting to hit us and we’re all ready to swap our books for sunscreen and trips to the beach. Unfortunately there’s still one thing standing in our way: finals.
It’s no secret that winter term finals are painfully irritating, especially for us Michigan girls. With brutally cold winters, spring always seems to take forever to arrive. Now that it finally has, all we want to do is toss studying aside to spend time relaxing in the warmer temperatures. As classes end, it’s easy to let ourselves think that the semester is over. But before you neglect your books and try your best to forget about the daunting exam that lays just a few days away, challenge yourself to stay focused. Although it can be tempting to disregard, your last few obligations for some end of the semester fun, you’re likely to feel better about your semester as a whole if you know you gave it your best effort, even as it comes to an end. Try finding a quiet place to study outside so that you can make the most out of the weather and not feel guilty about taking a short break to play frisbee with some cute guys in the diag. When you ace all of your finals, you’ll be able to start your summer vacation off like the accomplished and successful girl that you are!

Nikki is a senior at the University of Michigan double majoring in English and Communication Studies.  In addition to Her Campus, Nikki is also involved in Ed2010, The Forum-Michigan's Greek Life Newspaper, Alpha Delta Pi, and Gamma Sigma Alpha.  In her spare time, she enjoys being outside, playing guitar, going on bike rides, and traveling.  Her guilty pleasures include celebrity gossip sites, Glee, and chocolate chip cookies.