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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mich chapter.

We’ve arrived at the worst week here at the University of Michigan: the week after Spring Break. Whether you basked in the sun in Punta Cana or laid on the couch all week at home, coming back to school is always difficult. But the silver lining of this tragic week for some collegiettes is being reunited with your guy.  On the other hand, a lot of girls couldn’t bear to be separated from their guys. Spring Break is a grey area in college life; it’s universally known as a week of total insanity, a week that can break or make couples. For some perspective on this beloved week, we turn to our Campus Cutie.
Name: Steven Ball
Major: Industrial & Operations Engineering
Interests: ROTC, snowboarding, kayaking
Relationship Status: In a relationship

Should couple always go on Spring Break together? What are the pros/cons?

No, not always. Pros of going on spring break together are having the chance for a change of pace from your weekly routine, which is a good thing, and also the chance to create some really fun memories. The big con of going on spring break together is getting an overdose of that person and/or fights, which of course can be fueled by the excess of drinking, partying, etc. Another issue would be each others’ friends: which set of friends do you go on the trip with, the girl’s or the guy’s, and who gets stuck being the one who looks like they can’t be apart from their significant other for more than 5 minutes.
What ways do you reassure your girl when you two are apart? 

Communication is the key for any kind of trying time in a relationship. In terms of spring break time, your girlfriend is going to be in a new place, with a lot of new people, with a lot of booze and partying (most likely), so stay in contact. Show that you care, but don’t be overbearing, e.g., “How are you doing?” instead of “What are you doing?”

What’s the best part about going on vacation with your girl?

The best part is getting to do things you’ve never had the chance to do before together. Going on vacation with her can be a great way to relax and let loose, and you can carry those good feelings back into your normal life once the vacation is over.

Nikki is a senior at the University of Michigan double majoring in English and Communication Studies.  In addition to Her Campus, Nikki is also involved in Ed2010, The Forum-Michigan's Greek Life Newspaper, Alpha Delta Pi, and Gamma Sigma Alpha.  In her spare time, she enjoys being outside, playing guitar, going on bike rides, and traveling.  Her guilty pleasures include celebrity gossip sites, Glee, and chocolate chip cookies.