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New PYT: Paid Young Taking on the World from the Driver’s Seat

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mich chapter.

As women we are always told what we can and can’t do. However, in order to be a strong confident woman, we have to look past these barriers that others put up for us. Just because someone’s a girl, doesn’t mean she still can’t accomplish the same things that a man could. It is important to always have faith in yourself as a woman. In fact, it’s also okay to be an ambitious woman who knows what she wants. Some think that ambitious, strong and pushy females are intimidating, when in reality they are just trying to work hard for what they want. No matter if you’re a guy or a girl, if you want something badly enough, you have to work hard for it.
Furthermore, there are always going to be guys out there who think that just because someone’s a female she isn’t capable of doing the same things that males can do. There are also going to be guys out there who are intimidated of ambitious women because it’s a punch to their ego.  However, not all guys are like this. Many men find confident and driven women to be extremely attractive and daring; these are the women that know what they want in life and aren’t scared to ask for it.
Here are some female television characters who bask in the glory of their ambition. All five of these women are extremely successful in their lives because they are driven and determined.

1.  Blair Waldorf: Blair from Gossip Girl is in every way an over achiever with everything she does. She knows that she can get anything she wants if she pushes her way towards it.  For example, when Blair wanted an internship with W Magazine, she got it. Not only did she complete her tasks at W, she went above and beyond scoring her a promotion at this high end fashion magazine. She always knows how to make an entrance and exit at every event; all eyes are always on Blair. Also, she is always confident in herself; she knows that there is nothing she can’t do. “I’m the best of the best. I’m Blair Waldorf.”

 2.  Naomi Clark: Naomi from 90210 is one of the most secure and driven women on television today. She doesn’t have one ounce of insecurity in the things she does. She knows that if she wants it, she gets it. Naomi knows that when she throws a party, people will be talking about it for days. She helped her school win top party school when she threw the most breathtaking masquerade ball. Yes, Naomi does use her money to her own advantage at times, but she also does lots of good with her money. She helped put on countless charity balls and events that benefit her school or community. “A Naomi Clark party is not to be missed.”


3.  Brooke Davis: Brooke from One Tree Hill is the definition of a successful entrepreneur. Within years of finishing high school, she had her own clothing line. Brooke worked hard to maintain her company, yet she always put her friends before business. She’s a smart and ambitious woman who didn’t have the best luck in life, but regardless ended up succeeding. Brooke’s confidence and strength helped her be the person she has always wanted to become. When she ran for school council president in high school, her drive and perseverance landed her the job. There is nothing Brooke Davis can’t do. “There’s a day when you realize you’re not just a survivor, you’re a warrior. You’re tougher than anything it (life) throws your way.”

4.  Miranda Hobbes: Miranda from Sex and the City is the epitome of a work driven woman. Not once did she ever let her female identification interfere with her role in society. She is one of the most respected professional women known to be seen on television. She manages to be a successful lawyer, incredible wife and loving mother. When her work hours made her feel distant from her child, she quickly realized her solution. Without hesitation, she marched into her boss’s office demanding to work shorter hours in order to be the mother she has always wanted to be. Miranda’s strength and self respect showed women all over that anything is possible; if you work hard, you can play with the big boys. “Sexy is what I try to get them to see after I win them over with my personality.”

5.  Cristina Yang: Cristina from Grey’s Anatomy is more than just a tough cookie; she is everything but laid back. As an intern starting off at the hospital, she knew she wanted to be better than the best. She makes sure she always puts herself in a position that will help her perfect her surgical skills. Cristina works hard at solving every case, fixing every broken patient. She never lets anything or anyone stand in her way; her motivation makes her the most talented cardiovascular surgeon in the hospital. “I’m a big girl. I can decide when I’ve had enough trauma.”

Nikki is a senior at the University of Michigan double majoring in English and Communication Studies.  In addition to Her Campus, Nikki is also involved in Ed2010, The Forum-Michigan's Greek Life Newspaper, Alpha Delta Pi, and Gamma Sigma Alpha.  In her spare time, she enjoys being outside, playing guitar, going on bike rides, and traveling.  Her guilty pleasures include celebrity gossip sites, Glee, and chocolate chip cookies.