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The Mid-Semester Slump: A Collegiette’s Guide for Making it to Spring Break

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mich chapter.

The initial return-from-break-high has now worn off. The tans have faded and the days of sleeping until 11 have passed. You are less excited to see your friends again, roommates seem to never leave you alone, and those classes that sounded great in the course guide are now the bane of your existence. Suddenly regretting convincing yourself that an 8:30 am lecture isn’t that early, you find yourself hitting the snooze button more often and watching just one more episode on Netflix instead of catching up on your reading. Before you get anxious dreaming of your spring break getaway, here’s a few things you can do to lift your spirits.


  1. Workout your sleepiness: The overcast weather and constant cold can make you want nothing more than to catch up on your missed TV shows and stay in bed all day, leaving you feeling lethargic. Head to the CCRB or the IM building and try a yoga class, or get in a quick workout. Getting yourself moving will help to keep your energy up all day, improve your mood, relieve stress and help you to sleep better at night
  2. Plan different weekend activities: Doing the same things over and over again can start to get boring after a while. How many nights can you end up at the same bar, seeing the same people? Ann Arbor has a plethora of different places that can help to break up the monotony. Treat yourself to a nice dinner out at one of the restaurants on Main Street, or for those of you collegiettes with cars, make the 40-minute drive to the Somerset Mall for some retail therapy. Breaking up your usual routine by going to new places will help you to relieve stress and give you the boost you need to get through your busier weeks.
  3. Do something for yourself: While everyone loves being with their friends, sometimes seeing the same people day after day can have them grating on your last nerve. When your peers constantly surround you, it is important to find time for yourself. Take a couple hours and go get a manicure, read a magazine, or reorganize your space. Do something that focuses solely on you to help you to relax and refresh to make all those papers and readings less taxing.


Amidst the constant stream of homework, exams, and reading to do, it is easy to get stressed and overwhelmed. Once in a while, it is important to take a step back and realize that spreading out your work is more effective than cramming and getting your reading done is just as important as relaxing and doing something for yourself. If stress builds up, it can begin to manifest as physical ailments. By relaxing, doing things for yourself and giving yourself plenty of time to complete assignments, you can avoid the side effects of the mid-semester slump.

Elizabeth is a Senior at The University of Michigan and the Managing Editor of HC UMich. She is majoring in Communications, Screen Arts and Cultures and minoring in Writing. When she's not writing for HC, she works for the Big Ten Network Student U.