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Meera Kumar: Involved Sophomore Transfer Student

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mich chapter.

Meera Kumar is a current sophomore transfer student at The University of Michigan. She is a member of Phi Alpha Delta (PAD), a professional pre-law fraternity, works for the Michigan Daily’s social media and analytics team, a campus ambassador for PINK (Victoria’s Secret), amongst other organizations at the University. Kumar is an economics major with a minor in political science. Her Campus had the opportunity to sit down with Meera and ask her about her experiences at the University.

Her Campus: Why did you decide to transfer schools?

Meera Kumar: I felt like my previous school was much smaller than I wanted and I wanted a school with a stronger community atmosphere, as well as wanting a more welcoming school. I wanted more school spirit.


HC: Why did you pick the University of Michigan?

MK: For all the reasons above! The University checked all the boxes in my mind of what a college experience should be. Great academics, an overwhelming amount of school spirit and passion for sports. The students seemed more diverse and welcoming than at my previous school, too.


HC: What was your favorite first memory at Michigan?

MK: The first game day because I had never seen so many people so excited about something. You could immediately sense there was an insane amount of school pride from alumnus to grandchildren to students and professors. Specifically, walking up to the Big House and seeing a sea of maize shirts in front of you. It’s something that is intangible but insane to be a part of.


HC: What was hard about transferring schools?

KM: Meeting new people and making a close group of friends. It definitely requires more effort because you’re not in a dorm so people aren’t just coming up to you like they are your freshman year. People aren’t as open to meeting new people when they are sophomores. You really have to put yourself out there more than you do as a freshman.


HC: Did anything make the transferring process easier for you?

MK: Meeting up and finding other transfer students helped make the transfer process easier. Joining clubs and getting involved on campus helped too, because once you found people that are passionate about the same things as you, friendships comes easily. Talking to the people that sat near me in class, even if it’s weird to do when you’re not a freshman helped me feel more comfortable here. In fact, that’s how I have met some of my closest friends.”


HC: How do you like U of M compared to your last school?

MK: I love so much more! I have truly seen all of the things that I transferred for and I feel like I am making a much better use of my time here even though it is much more limited. I enjoy the things that I am doing. I feel like I’m learning more here in terms of both academics and being a better person going forward, both professionally and personally. It has been a much more comforting environment even though it is much bigger than my last school. I went from a school with 8,000 students to 28,000 undergraduate students and I feel more at home here.


HC: What is one big lesson that you have learned through transferring schools?

MK: I learned how to put myself out there and to not be afraid of doing that. I feel like when you’re starting out at the same time as everyone else, you sort of resort to that comfort level with them. The fact that everyone is new and it’s a big change for everybody, you’re not actually putting yourself out there because you’re going through the same experiences together. But as a transfer, you are completely on your own and there are only a handful of people going through the same new wave of emotions as you.

Her Campus would like to thank Meera for taking the time out of her day to talk to us about her experiences of being a transfer student.


Images courtesy of Meera Kumar.

I am currently a senior at the University of Michigan majoring in communication studies