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Keeping Up With Chloe: Flocking to Feathers

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mich chapter.

Feathers.  They are everywhere, and I mean it.  From five-year-old girls to sixty-year-old women, this trend leaves out no one.  Popularized by fashion runways, including Gucci and Marc Jacobs, and celebrities like Ke$ha and Selena Gomez, feathered hair has been the “it” accessory since last spring.  While the runway presents the look in a neat, stylish way, there are many opportunities for this look to go awry, details of which all Collegiettes™ should be cautious.
One of the worst things about the popularization of this trend has been all of the ugly, cheaply made feathers now on the market.  My least favorite hair feathers include ones that are neon and/or glittery.  If you’re under the age of 10 or have always expressed yourself in a way in which a streak of color wouldn’t be so shocking, then these are perfectly acceptable; if you are a professional or want to be taken seriously, then maybe you should leave them for the kids.

Need not worry, though, as there is always room (and appropriateness!) for color.  The best thing to do is find one or two colors that complement your hair color and stick with those for all of your feathers.  Ladies, if you have ten different colors of feathers in your hair, that just starts to look tacky.  We want to have fun with this look and look classy, not cheap, and that is easy to accomplish!  For example, if you have auburn locks, a few turquoise feathers would look lovely scattered throughout your hair.  When choosing your color(s), keep in mind that the striped ones look more like feathers and less like colored hair extensions.  If they looked like colored extensions, the purpose of getting them put in your hair would be defeated!
Of course, you also have the option to have “natural,” or neutral-colored feathers.  This is a personal favorite, and all but two of a total of nine feathers I have had have been a neutral color.  When I had four taupe-colored feathers, my hair looked like it was highlighted; when I had one black feather, it was nearly invisible unless you were up close.  Sticking with neutral tones is a great way to either embrace the trend while still looking polished or ease your way into the feathered frenzy!
Another way to ease yourself into this (literally) wild style is to purchase clip-in feathers or feathered earrings.  Again, be careful of how they look, as we are not trying to look like circus clowns.  Although expensive (running between $15-25 per earring or clip), my favorite brand is By Samii Ryan.  All of Samii’s creations are natural, homemade, in flattering colors, and great quality, but the best part is that she only uses feathers that the birds molted, leaving them in perfectly healthy condition.
On that note, use caution when purchasing feathers, since their origins may not always be ideal.  Most feathers used for hair extensions come from roosters, and they are often taken by plucking the bird.  Not only is this unethical, but it’s upsetting.  One of the number one rules of a Collegiette™ is to enjoy the current styles, but do so in a safe and considerate manner.
Now I need some bragging time.  As everyone knows, University of Michigan students are the leaders and the best, and that is no exception when it comes to feather wear.  The first time I had feathers put in my hair (Above Ground Salon at State St. and East Liberty, for those of you who are curious) was in mid-February, and that was after a handful of my friends had already been sporting them for a while!  In fact, it was so ahead of the trend that not a single person at my salon back home knew what they were.  Above Ground charged $10 for one feather or $15 for two, but they will put them back in for free (provided that you bought them there) if any feathers come out, even a few weeks later.  Talk about a long-lasting trend!
This might seem like a lot to take in, but don’t worry—it’s not easy!  All you need to worry about is walking into the salon, asking to look at their feather selection, and making a good color selection.  Just remember to have fun and keep it classy!

An aspiring French journalist, Chloe has been working with the Her Campus brand since prior to the University of Michigan's launch. In addition to authoring "Keeping Up with Chloe," a biweekly blog published within the University of Michigan branch, Chloe is a Chapter Advisor. Her favorite column will always be the Campus Cuties, though! When Chloe is not writing for, publicizing, or working with other chapters of Her Campus, she enjoys painting, making jewelry, exercising, baking, and having movie nights with her friends.Her archive can be found at hercampus.com/chloe-logan.