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Keeping Up With Chloe: The Beauty of a Handwritten Letter

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mich chapter.

If you’re like me, hearing the words “handwritten letter” makes you cringe.  After all, you’re probably thinking of the thank-you notes that your mother made you write to all of your relatives after your birthday party…every year.  Recently, though, I have come to appreciate the art of stationery and the personalization of handwriting.  Now, I enjoy writing letters by hand more than I like using Facebook!

It all started when I received a package from a sorority sister from another school that contained event t-shirts, a stuffed animal, and a note.  I wanted to properly thank her, but before I could sit down and write her a note, I realized something crucial to the process: I didn’t own a single piece of stationery.  That day, I spent about an hour scouring the local Ann Arbor boutiques in search of cute stationery, so you can imagine my excitement when I walked into Middle Earth and there was an entire wall of it!  The stationery I purchased looked like vintage Polaroid photos, and each card had a different photo.  Although that stationery is long gone (I’ve used two full boxes of stationery since November!), I still have the box, since it reminds me of the beginning of my letter-writing crusade.

Around the same time (this past October), a few girls and I decided to start a sorority pen-pal program, so I just picked some names and addresses from the pen-pal list and wrote away.  I love being able to express myself in writing and send photos, and I know that the recipients enjoy seeing and reading my cards.
As much fun as it has been to write letters by hand, receiving letters has been even better.  I now come home to a handwritten letter at least three times a week!  Each card always holds something different, which keeps the letter writing exciting.  Sometimes, there are photos enclosed; other times, the penmanship is perfect.  Writing letters by hand has shown me that taking the time away from Facebook or Gmail to be more personal can have a tremendous influence on strengthening friendships—and, in my case, creating them.

An aspiring French journalist, Chloe has been working with the Her Campus brand since prior to the University of Michigan's launch. In addition to authoring "Keeping Up with Chloe," a biweekly blog published within the University of Michigan branch, Chloe is a Chapter Advisor. Her favorite column will always be the Campus Cuties, though! When Chloe is not writing for, publicizing, or working with other chapters of Her Campus, she enjoys painting, making jewelry, exercising, baking, and having movie nights with her friends.Her archive can be found at hercampus.com/chloe-logan.