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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mich chapter.

Name: Joe McKenzie

Age: 18

Year: Freshman

Hometown: Chicago, IL

Relationship Status: Single

Favorite Song: Bohemian Rhapsody – Queen


Q: Something not everyone knows about you?

A: To be honest, I’m pretty much an open book; most people know everything there is to know about me. I guess one thing that people are always surprised to find out when they get closer to me is that I am much more lazy than I seem.


Q: Most appealing personality trait in a girl?

A: I’d have to say confidence, but not over-confidence. She’s got to talk only what she can walk.


Q: Biggest turnoff?

A: Girls who know they’re smarter than me and are condescending about it. It’s annoying and honestly, no one has time to deal with people like that.


Q: Do you worry on first dates? If you do, what do you worry about?

A: If anyone ever says they don’t worry on a first date, they’re lying. I think everyone always does a bit, even if they really don’t want to, because no one wants to mess up a first date! It never hurts to make a good first impression but always hurts when you make a bad one. 


Q: In your opinion, what is the best and most effective way for a girl to approach a guy at a party?

A: Honestly, the best way is to just say hi and ask him if he wants to dance. Just be straightforward and don’t overthink it because no one gets anything done by beating around the bush.