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Jake Fratkin, Class of 2016

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mich chapter.


Name: Jake Fratkin

Grade: Junior

Hometown: Los Angeles, California

Major: Chemical Engineering

Relationship Status: Single

Fun Fact: Once got kicked out of a Casino for counting cards.


Her Campus: What activities are you involved in on campus?

Jake Fratkin: I am a co-founder of the Food Industry Student Association (FISA) for engineers interested in the food industry. I’m also in Alpha Chi Sigma Professional Chemistry Fraternity, an Instructional Assistant for an Engineering 100 class, and in the Program in Entrepreneurship.



HC: Who is your celebrity crush?

JF: Scarlett Johansson. Runner up goes to Julianne Moore for Boogie Nights.


HC: How do you feel about college relationships?

JF: It depends on the person and the situation.


HC: What do you look for in a girl?

JF: Someone who makes me laugh, digs good food and movies and exploring new places…and can handle my occasional sass.


HC: Where would you want to take that special someone on a first date?

JF: If you can handle going to Frita Batidos with me, it is smooth sailing from there.


HC: Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

JF: Hopefully working at or running my own startup food company on the West Coast. I want to take something that people eat everyday and make it better and more accessible.


HC: If you were a superhero, what would your superpower be?

JF: In kindergarten I had a poster project and my one wish was to fly, which I still agree with.


HC: What are you going to be for Halloween this year?

JF: The last two years my two friends and I have gone as funky fresh track stars so I will probably do that again. Maybe I’ll be a cat. Who knows?


HC: What would be your ideal couple Halloween costume?

JF: Vincent Vega and Mia Wallace from Pulp Fiction.


Annie has been a writer since she first laid her hands on her grandmother's type writer. Since then, she has adapted to computers and arguably has better grammar. When she figures out what twitter is, you can tweet her here https://twitter.com/MissAnnieMc .