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How to make your college apartment feel more like home

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mich chapter.

Moving into my first college apartment, I didn’t know what to bring. Obviously, I knew about the basics, but it took some time for me to figure out what would turn the place into home. As it gets colder, I am spending more and more time inside, so I am thankful that my apartment is now my favorite place to be. In this article, I am here to share some of my top suggestions for apartment items that will make it feel like home. 

First, I recommend buying or thrifting a vase to put fresh flowers in every once in a while. I try to buy flowers when I go grocery shopping (Trader Joe’s has cheap ones!), and the act of buying myself flowers and then seeing them every day brings me happiness. Also, the apartment feels much more lively, especially when the flowers act as seasonal decor.  

The next thing I recommend is more for your bedroom: an essential oil diffuser. I use mine almost every night, and it always relaxes me and helps me fall asleep. Bedtime used to be difficult for me because of all the thoughts that would cloud my mind. Moving into a new place and sleeping in a different bed only escalated this issue. However, now that I have my diffuser, I get excited for bedtime because of the calming lavender scent that fills my room and puts me right to sleep. 

I also highly recommend a beanbag chair. There is one in our living room and it is everyone’s favorite place to sit. It is the most comfortable place to watch TV, read a book, or just hang out with friends. A beanbag chair is a simple addition to the apartment but it makes all the difference. It is more casual than a couch or other kind of chair, which helps with making your apartment feel cozier and like home. 

Next, candles are wonderful to own. There are about a million different candles in our apartment, and they make the place smell amazing. It is easy to make the apartment feel like home with a signature scent you may have, because then the scent association brings you comfort. Also, like the flowers, it is fun to have seasonal candles.

I also recommend owning a bunch of pillows or blankets. You can never have too many. It is even better when they are special to you. For example, in our apartment, we have homemade blankets. I also have Squishmallows that I got as gifts from people, so I am reminded of the person every time I snuggle up with one. All in all, pillows and blankets are the ultimate guide to comfort in your apartment. 

Finally, I recommend owning some kind of alternative lighting because overhead lighting is not it. String lights are always nice and can be put anywhere. Salt lamps and lamps in general are cozy and calming compared to an overwhelming, bright ceiling light. Especially at night, I like the alternative lighting while watching TV or reading a book. 

I hope these recommendations help make your apartment feel more like home, as well as make you love yours as much as I love mine! 

Grace Layman

U Mich '25

Grace is a sophomore at the University of Michigan studying Psychology in LSA. She enjoys dancing, thrifting, reading, and hanging out with her cats.