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How to Beat the Soaking Spring Weather in Style

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mich chapter.

Spring is one of the greatest times of year. It’s warmer outside, the flowers are blooming, and the sun itself shines stronger. However, with all this warmth, the melting snow and spring showers can create a pretty hazardous landscape. In order to beat the rainy weather while staying stylish, check out these tips: 

Find a sturdy pair of boots. This one goes without saying. You might find the most adorable pair of boots at Pitaya, but you know they won’t hold strong against these mighty Midwest downpours. Instead, head on over to Bivouac or Briarwood and test out some sturdier rain boots, such as these: 


You’ll also need a durable raincoat. Like the boots, you’ll need a raincoat that’s durable enough to protect you from heavy rain and wind. Try getting one in a slightly larger size, that way you can fit a heavy sweater or sweatshirt underneath on especially cold and dreary “spring” days. 





Don’t forget the perfect accessories for the weather. What would the perfect outfit be without its matching accessories? Make sure you find a great umbrella, thick socks for those boots, and a water-repellant bag to help round out your ensemble and keep you dry from the rain. 




Images courtesy of: Nordstrom