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Halloween On A Budget

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mich chapter.

Every year I seem to be under the impression that I have an endless amount of time to figure out what to be for Halloween. Yet somehow I always find myself in a costume store desperately scrounging the last of the costumes in the half empty aisles for a costume that doesn’t totally suck, a mere few hours before I am about to go out on the 31st. What’s even worse is that in college we don’t need just one costume–no, we need a bare minimum of three since obviously a collegiate is present during all of what is commonly referred to on campus as ‘Halloweek.’ I’m all for being creative and dressing up, but justifying spending hundreds of dollars on costumes that I know I will only wear once is difficult. Long gone are the days when my parents would buy me a head to toe overpriced costume that I got to pick out from the walls of photos that cover Halloween stores. Now I am left with the daunting task of putting together a reasonably priced costume that hasn’t been done by every freshmen walking the halls of Markley. As a senior about to become a real person, let me share some of the secrets I have learned about Halloween on a budget.

DIY. Honestly, I can’t emphasize it enough. Using your own clothing not only saves money but also guarantees you a unique costume since you’re not buying the same cat ears as every other girl. Look at your closet, dig in those boxes under your bed, search in your roomies’ closets and I’m sure you’ll have the basics for a killer costume. A few ideas to give you a kick start:

The Morton Salt Girl: Thanks to Pinterest I came across this brilliant idea. Head to F21 and grab a yellow dress, add an umbrella, and a can of salt and your ready to go. It’s original, cute, and affordable, nothing not to love!

Waldo from Where’s Waldo: Those blue pants you never thought you’d see again till summer ’13 are ready to make an appearance. Add a white and red-striped shirt, brown shoes, and pop out the lenses of any plastic football pregame sunglasses lying around for the final touch.

Girl Scout: Yes time to pull out your old vest, throw on a Skeeps skirt, grab some thigh high socks, a white button down, and add pigtail braids for the final touch. You’ll be making your third-grade self proud, and hey, at least the vest gets to come out of the attic!

Katniss Everdeen: Who doesn’t love this girl? Possibly the easiest costume to pull together. Combat boots, green jacket, side braid, and a bow and arrow from the dollar store. Not only is it simple but you won’t be freezing!

Nikki is a senior at the University of Michigan double majoring in English and Communication Studies.  In addition to Her Campus, Nikki is also involved in Ed2010, The Forum-Michigan's Greek Life Newspaper, Alpha Delta Pi, and Gamma Sigma Alpha.  In her spare time, she enjoys being outside, playing guitar, going on bike rides, and traveling.  Her guilty pleasures include celebrity gossip sites, Glee, and chocolate chip cookies.