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Grant Yarber, Class of 2016

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mich chapter.

Name: Grant Yarber

Year: Sophomore

Hometown: West Bloomfield, Michigan

Major:  Communications

Fun fact:  I’m a music producer.

Relationship Status: “Chilling” (single)


Her Campus:  What’re your hobbies?

Grant Yarber:  Music, music, music, and working out.


HC:  What’s your favorite food?

GY:  Quesadillas.


HC: What’s something on your bucket list?

GY:  Living in Israel for four months.


HC:  Who is your celebrity crush?

GY:  Giada De Laurentiis! On the food channel she is one of the cooks.  She could be my wife today.  


HC:  What’s your favorite quality in a girl?

GY:  When she’s not cliquey or sorority-attached.


HC:  What’s your favorite thing to talk about with girls?

GY:  Music!  But also, not the usual stuff.  Some people might ask like, “What sorority are you in?” Alright, imagine if your in a foreign country and you guys are nothing alike.  Then I would want to talk about what you would talk about with a girl in a foreign country if you were nothing alike. 


HC:  If you could have dinner with any three people from any time, who would they be and why?

GY: Giada…that’s one.  Maybe Kanye because he would pay for the bill.  And my mom.  I would take my mom out to dinner. 

Jaclyn Nagel is the Campus Correspondent of Her Campus at the University of Michigan. She is a senior studying English and Creative Writing and earning a certificate in Sales. She enjoys eating copious amounts of Ben & Jerry's ice cream and reading the Harry Potter books over and over again. Follow her on instagram as @manisandmojitos! And make sure to follow our chapter's Twitter and Instagram at @hercampusumich!