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Five Tips for Staying Positive During A Michigan Winter!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mich chapter.

A Michigan winter can hit a girl with more than just icy temperatures and piles of snow. With the excitement of fall festivities and the holidays behind us, it can be difficult to stay positive as the season drags on and we wait for those first refreshing days of spring. The winter blues can find a way to sneak up on even the most cheerful of us college girls for a few simple reasons. Read up on these tips for staying happier and it’ll be spring before you know it!
Exercise, Exercise, Exercise
Although you’ve probably heard it a million times – exercise makes you feel better. This can be a bit hard to believe when you’re gasping for breath on a treadmill and sweating like no one’s business. However, exercise is not only beneficial to your physical health, but to your mental health as well. When you exercise, your brain releases more of certain chemicals, such as serotonin, (which helps to keep you mentally and emotionally stable) and dopamine, which can make you feel more energized and motivated. Because of this, a simple thirty-minute cardio session a few times a week can work wonders on your mood. Grab a few of your friends and head to one of the university’s recreational buildings. In addition to benefiting from these happy brain chemicals, you’ll also feel more confident about your awesome body, just in time for when the warm weather finally arrives!
Don’t Doubt the Power of Vitamin D
Many of you have probably heard that vitamin D is automatically created by your body in response to exposure to UV light. As well as a necessity for building strong bones, this vitamin also stimulates the production of feel-good chemicals in your brain. For us Michigan girls, it can be difficult to get the right amount when the sun is basically MIA for four to five months. The lack of sunshine could actually be bumming you out! Luckily, there are some foods that can help you stock up on it, such as fish, eggs, and vitamin D milk. If you’re not the biggest fan of these types of foods, try taking a daily supplement. It won’t bring the sunshine back, but it will definitely brighten your mood.
Let Facebook Take a Breather
How could anyone not love Facebook? It allows us to stay connected with friends and secretly stalk all the cute guys we see on campus. Even though it’s great to be able to instantly chat with someone online, it can’t beat real face-to-face interaction. Instead of logging on for your usual eight PM session, call one of your friends and ask her if she wants to meet up or hang out in your dorm. Even if you’re just studying together or watching a movie, it’ll feel great to reconnect in person. Social people are happy people!
Kick That Bad Habit
If your tendency to think negative thoughts or your constant nail biting is starting to irritate you, now is the time to conquer it! Nothing can feel more empowering than setting a goal and accomplishing it, especially when it’s in regards to fixing something you don’t love about yourself. Try setting a specific time frame for yourself – tell yourself exactly when you want to be bad habit free and stick to it. It will most likely be difficult at first, but you’ll feel more and more optimistic about it each day that you’re successful. When you finally break it, you may feel so motivated that you’ll want to tackle another. This will give you more confidence and allow you to feel like you’re in control of all aspects of your life – including your happiness.
Break the Routine
Winter can get mundane and repetitive: the cloudy sky looks the same everyday and the ground seems to be permanently frozen under a constant coating of snow. The school year also tends to make us all fall into a routine – class, work, homework, sleep, class, work, homework…you get the idea. If you can’t figure out why your mood hasn’t been stellar lately, it could just be something simple – you’re bored. Try changing your routine and find something new and exciting to do. Although winter has its negative aspects, snow can be a total blast. Venture out into the cold for a session of sledding at the Arb, or go ice-skating. Changing things up and embracing some cold weather activities may be exactly what you need!

Nikki is a senior at the University of Michigan double majoring in English and Communication Studies.  In addition to Her Campus, Nikki is also involved in Ed2010, The Forum-Michigan's Greek Life Newspaper, Alpha Delta Pi, and Gamma Sigma Alpha.  In her spare time, she enjoys being outside, playing guitar, going on bike rides, and traveling.  Her guilty pleasures include celebrity gossip sites, Glee, and chocolate chip cookies.