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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mich chapter.

Fall is my favorite season. It’s socially acceptable to wear leggings 24/7, you can drink pumpkin spice lattes on the way to class, and the Diag is sooo pretty scattered with red, orange and yellow leaves. And on top of all of these things, it’s also the start of a whole new line-up of TV shows! I’m so excited for my favorite shows to start up again and to add a couple new shows to my repertoire.

Here are some TV shows I think are worth watching this Fall (whether new shows or just new seasons):


Forever (ABC): This TV show focuses on Dr. Henry Morgan, an immortal medical examiner in NYC. But he’s not immortal in the sense that vampires are. He’s immortal because every time he dies, he disappears immediately and returns to life as if nothing had happened. He works with the NYPD and Detective Jo Martinez (a potential romantic interest),studying the dead to aid in murder cases and potentially figure out the mystery of his ‘condition’.

How To Get Away With Murder (ABC): If knowing Shonda Rhimes produces this show isn’t enough to get you to watch, I’m sure that knowing Viola Davis is the show’s star will. How To Get Away With Murder is a legal drama focusing on a criminal defense professor and her ambitious law students as they attempt to solve a murder case. The plot twist is that the murder case involves all of them… but to why, how and to what extent you’ll have to watch to find out!



Outlander (Starz):

No words can describe how absolutely amazing this show is. It’s based off the Outlander series by author Diana Gabaldon, and is also my favorite book of all time. I don’t want to give anything away, but the premise of the show is that WWII nurse Claire Randall gets transported back in time to 18th century Scotland where she finds herself on the run from the British Redcoats with the MacKenzie clan. This show is a must-watch!


Oldies But Goodies:

·      Scandal

·      Blacklist

·      New Girl

·      The Mindy Project

·      Brooklyn Nine-Nine

·      Homeland


Have any suggestions of TV shows for Her Campus Michigan readers? Let us know in the comments! Happy viewing!