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Evan Park: K-Pop Dancer

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mich chapter.

Name: Evan Park

Age: 22

Major: Economics

Minor: Asian Language and Cultures

Hobbies: Reading, long boarding, and blogging

Interesting Fact: I’m a fan of all things old school. For example, I prefer calling people instead of texting, manners and etiquette, pen and paper instead of online documents.


HC: What is DB3?

EP: DB3 is an all-male, multicultural K-Pop dance team at the University of Michigan. We cover dance choreographies of top Korean artists and make our own original choreographies to Korean songs. Through dance, we seek to entertain the crowds and to promote Korean culture awareness on campus.


Her Campus: How did you come to establish DB3?          

Evan Parker: The idea of DB3 began partly as a joke when two friends and I fooled around in a dance studio and took an embarrassing picture posing like Korean Pop (K-Pop) music artists.  Later that year, after a group of guys and I danced at a Korean cultural event, half of the guys enjoyed it so much that they wanted to keep on dancing for the rest of the school year. The result was DB3.


HC: Being the choreographer and leader of DB3, what are some hardships you come across?

EP: I think the most frustrating thing about being a leader, or being even a general member in any group, is ineffective communication. Whether someone misses a practice, I’m not explaining something clearly, or members don’t speak what is on their minds, it really hurts the group’s productivity and the overall atmosphere.


HC: What are most rewarding memories you have with DB3?

EP: By far the biggest reward has been dancing with the guys on the team. I love to dance, but I don’t think I would be a part of any dance team if the guys weren’t solid, genuine, and supportive people. As a group, DB3 has been through a lot of victories and some pretty rough failures together, but each experience has made us closer.


HC: What other activities are you involved in on campus?

EP: I’m a part of my church, Living Grace Ministry.


HC: What are your goals/plans after graduation this year?

EP: To be honest, I haven’t thought that far ahead. I plan on going to grad school at the moment, but even with that I’m just rolling with the punches. As far as I’m concerned, the focus, as of right now, is to do the best job I can during my last month of college, in my family and friendships, in my studies, in my job, and in my faith.

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