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Ellie Benson: MVMNT Instructor

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mich chapter.

Her Campus recently had a chance to sit down and chat with Ellie Benson, a sophomore Communications major from Birmingham, Michigan. Last year, Ellie took initiative to turn her passion for fitness to the next level and become a certified spin instructor at MVMNT Cycling on campus.

Her Campus: What is a typical spin class like at MVMNT?

Ellie Benson: MVMNT is an on campus indoor cycling studio. Indoor cycling is an intense cardio workout that uses stationary bikes. MVMNT uses RealRyder bikes that move side to side, which give you a total full body workout.  A typical class ranges from 30-60 minutes and consists of various warm ups, hills, sprints, and arm work, all of which engage your core.

HC: What do you like about spinning? How is teaching at a studio different than taking classes yourself?

EB: My favorite thing about spinning is how I am able to get an amazing workout in under an hour. It’s a great way to escape the stress of school and focus on yourself and your health. For me, when I teach, I focus on the clients. These classes are not a workout for myself, but for them. I aim to help them empower themselves and reach their goals, in and out of the studio. When I take a class myself, I focus on pushing myself to reach these goals, and aim to get physically and mentally stronger. 

HC: What is your favorite part about working at a studio in Ann Arbor?

EB: I love that I get to encourage both friends and strangers to come into the studio and try a class! It’s an amazing stress reliever and great place to clear your head after class. I also love the staff at MVMNT. Everyone is extremely dedicated to empowering others and helping those that walk into the studio.

HC: What was the process in becoming certified? How do you balance work with your school schedule and your other activities on campus?

EB: To get certified, I took a certification class given by RealRyder. MVMNT is also about to start a similar certification process for others who are looking to get certified! After this course, I began to teach practice classes to my friends, and took advice from Jill, the owner of MVMNT, until she was comfortable with me teaching my own classes.

For me, it is easy to find time for work when it is something I love so much. Although, when I know I am busy, I make sure to plan out my weeks ahead of time

HC: If you had one piece of advice for someone who wants to try out spinning, what would it be?

EB: I would say, come to MVMNT!! Everyone is so welcoming and is there to help you out as much as you would like for your first class.  We are there for you and want you to enjoy it! It can be daunting to try out any new fitness studio for your first time, but the staff at MVMNT will help you feel comfortable and ready to ride.

Photos courtesy of: Ellie Benson