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Don’t Like to Party? Here’s What You Should Do for Halloween…

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mich chapter.

In college, Halloween is typically dominated by party culture. Wondering what alternatives there are? Look no further! Here are some fun, non-alocholic ideas that will make your Halloween just as thrilling. 

1. Paint pumpkins with your friends!

It’s that time of year when pumpkins are sold everywhere – even Walgreens on State Street has them! Enjoy the fun of pumpkin decorating without the mess of carving. Throw on your favorite Halloween movie and drink some cider too for the most autumnal experience.



Test out the trick part of trick-or-treat. Get together a group of friends for a night of jest. Pinterest has some great prank ideas if you need inspiration (like the one above).


3. Haunted House or Corn Maze

In for a scare? Try a haunted house or corn maze. Bring a buddy for moral support and remember to dress warmly! Wiard’s Orchard in Ypsilanti has a great one!


4. Scavenger Hunt for Cliche Halloween Costumes

Come on people, how many sexy cats can we have each year? Apparently a lot. Make a list of the most cliche costumes that come to mind and go out (bundled up of course) to find them! Whoever finishes first, wins.


5. Make Your Own Fall-Themed Buffet

Get your pumpkin on! Anything with cinnamon spice and pumpkin is your friend today. Top it off with a PSL or some crisp cider, and you’re in for a happy belly.


6. Scary Movie Night

Want to get your blood pumping without trekking all over campus in the freezing cold? Watch some classic scary movies! This is great to do by yourself or with friends. Not your style? Get some laughs from the Scary Movie series, famous for making fun of the terrifying blockbusters. 


Photos Courtesy of: kidsactivities.net, zeffert and gold, the platform, instagram, pinterest, and chitown star connection

Annie has been a writer since she first laid her hands on her grandmother's type writer. Since then, she has adapted to computers and arguably has better grammar. When she figures out what twitter is, you can tweet her here https://twitter.com/MissAnnieMc .