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Chelsea Cooper ’12

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mich chapter.

Imagine yourself in the heart of New York City, dressing models for runway shows and working hands on for one of the world’s most renowned designers Donna Karan – all before receiving your college degree. Chelsea Cooper (’12 of Saline, MI) lived out a fashionista’s dream this past summer. Despite her Political Science background, she spent the summer interning for the world famous fashion label, Donna Karan Collection in New York City. Chelsea tells Her Campus UMich how she got the job, what life was like as an intern in the City, and shares with us advice and tips for any other girls with big city dreams!
 Please tell our HerCampus Collegiettes how you scored such an incredible internship opportunity.
Well, I have always been a slave to high-end fashion and keep a very close eye to trends all over the world. My mother attend the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York City and she really inspired me to follow my heart and pursue fashion; to see if it was just a passion or something I could do as a full-time job. I began looking for internships September of last year (it is never to early to start looking!) and started to develop ideas of what sort of skills I had, what sector of fashion I wanted to work in, and what I wanted out of an internship. I read all about Donna Karan’s different departments and how interns are treated as team members, not just as coffee-getters. I began pursuing the Human Resources department of Donna Karan who first interviewed me as to which department I would be best suited for. I really wanted to work in the collection sales department, (Donna Karan’s highest-end runway resort and casual lines) and thankfully the HR representative felt I would be best suited there! After that interview, I was forwarded to the head of the collection sales department who gave me a more knowledge intense interview and after ten minutes offered me the job on the phone! Hands down one of the most exciting and rewarding experiences of my life.
What were your duties were as an intern? What was it like?
I had a million different duties as an intern; most of them were doing whatever the account executives needed during their selling meetings. I started my internship at an amazing time; Donna Karan was right in the beginning of their Resort market week, a time usually right after fashion show season when all the buying meetings occur. Every high-end department store to small boutique makes an appointment to come and see the new line and order what they want in their stores. After market week ended, I assisted the account managers on tracking selling of previous season’s merchandise, shipped samples for photoshoots, dressed models for fittings, and so much more!
Anything our Collegiettes need to know about moving to and living in a big city for an internship or a career?  

Do not wear heels to work in the City! The parts in movies where fashionistas are wearing heels to and from work is such a fabrication! We all wear Haviana’s or comfy flats to and from the office then put our heels on when we get there. The subway system is far to disgusting for your beautiful heels, don’t ruin them! Also, NEVER leave your purse unzipped while you are walking anywhere in the city…anyone can just stick his or her hands right inside, grab your wallet and you would never know.
I understand you are a Political Science major. Although some may think Political Science has nothing to do with the fashion/marketing industry, what advice would you give any girls who feel restricted with their major and their career options?
One common misconception of Political Science majors is that we all want to attend Law School. I am just very interested in foreign affairs and how the world operates day to day. The PoliSci classes at UofM have taught me so many valuable life lessons. I have taken classes in everything from finance on home mortgages to public speaking to current affairs. All have made me a more well rounded person and honestly, I think that is a large part why I received the internship opportunity I did. I am so much more than just a political science major and I think I proved that everyday I was working. You may be educated about a certain topic area but at the end of the day, your passions shine through (if you let them!) and everyone around you, including your future employers, will see that.
Are there any other organizations you are in? How do you balance school, a job, social life, and your obligations?
You know, people ask me this all the time! I am the President of Sigma Kappa, the former President and currently on the student advisory board of the JAAM house/JRC center on campus, I am a supervisor in the women’s fashion department at Bivouac, and I work at Rick’s American Café a few nights a week. This is not to say I push aside academics, I have been on the university honor roll all my years at Michigan. I am just one of those people who loves being busy. I am very organized and I find time in each day for everything…usually! There are weeks here and there where I wonder, “why have I stretched myself so thin?” But the more I do, the more I find out about myself and meet the most amazing people along the way.
Since you are a fashion pro, are there any up and coming styles from your internship you learned that you want to share with our UMich readers? Do you have any fashion tricks/tips to spice up someone’s wardrobe?
A fashion pro, wow! Thank you! One thing that was very prominent on the runways for fall was jewel tones. A huge benefit of this is that there is a color out there that suits everyone! My favorite is a rusty, orange-brown color. Rage and Bone makes the most amazing lux twill denim leggings that come in a million colors, definitely a fall staple! A lot of designers showed an edgier side to their lines, making for a very masculine runway. Boy by Band of Outsiders is a perfect example: beautiful plaids, structured jackets, and big duffel-style bags. My advice is to layer and compliment…meaning never wear a tight shirt with skinny jeans or boyfriend jeans with a big shirt. Always have one of each…it doesn’t matter what is on the bottom or top but dress for your body type. The best-dressed girls aren’t always the ones with the most expensive clothes; they are the ones that know what looks good on their bodies.
In 5 years, where do you see yourself?
It is so exciting and nerve wrecking to think I will be graduating soon and starting a real job! My dream job would be to work for a fashion Public Relations firm that represents many high-end fashion brands and puts on runway shows all over the world. Think Kelly Cutrone…a fashion consultant in charge of the major aspects of a designer’s life. I am a very outgoing, social person so I love the idea of rarely working in an office.  Interacting with different people everyday is exactly what I am looking for in a career. And of course, as much as I love fashion I love New York City, so that is where I want to be!

Nikki is a senior at the University of Michigan double majoring in English and Communication Studies.  In addition to Her Campus, Nikki is also involved in Ed2010, The Forum-Michigan's Greek Life Newspaper, Alpha Delta Pi, and Gamma Sigma Alpha.  In her spare time, she enjoys being outside, playing guitar, going on bike rides, and traveling.  Her guilty pleasures include celebrity gossip sites, Glee, and chocolate chip cookies.