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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mich chapter.

I am no expert, but I was recently a beginner at makeup myself. Like most others, I learned how to do makeup, from everyday looks to full glam, by myself and some Youtube videos. I know it can be intimidating, especially if you feel like you’re late to the game, but I promise you’ll get the hang of it in no time.

Figure out what you like

Part of the whole process of putting on makeup is learning what you like, what preferences you may have. For me, I don’t like to wear foundation very often, or any other face makeup. I prefer to focus on eye makeup, with eyeshadows, eyeliner, and mascara. It may be different for you. You may prefer to look natural, as though you are not wearing any makeup at all, or you might like a full glam look. Both are perfect, as long as it is what you want.

You can figure out what you like through practicing, but it helps to know what you like before you buy any supplies. So I suggest simply watching those Youtube tutorials, even if you’re not following along, you can figure out what you like by watching. This also helps with figuring out what order most people do their makeup in, what tool does what, and just a general understanding of makeup. Pinterest and Instagram are also great options for this.

Don’t Waste Your Money

One of the heaviest burdens of getting started with makeup is the cost. Everything is so expensive. The majority of makeup wearers have an accumulation of makeup through time, so don’t burden yourself with one giant shopping spree. Unless, of course, that’s what you want to do. 

Start with the basics, which can mean whatever you want it to. Based on what you know you like in makeup, get the things that line up with that. If you prefer full coverage face makeup, then buy concealer, foundation, and a beauty blender. It is okay not to get the fancy stuff right from the get-go, it helps to maybe get the cheap option first, to practice and see how you like it. Don’t buy the super expensive brushes, you can buy packs of brushes online or in-store, at this stage it is not worth the heavy cost burden.

Practice, Practice, Practice

I know this is what everyone says, “practice makes perfect,” but it’s true. Keep in mind that you do not have to go out with any practice looks you may try. Take the pressure off from yourself, try something new or something you may want for an everyday look, then take it off and go about your day if it doesn’t turn out the way you wanted. In the beginning stages, it is all about learning: learning what you like and how to get it done. This is also an excellent time to use your friends as a resource, ask them for advice. This is for learning, so don’t be hard on yourself. Also, keep referring to those Youtube videos, they’re amazing if you find the right ones.

Do What You Want

When I first started, which was later than most of my friends, I was so intimidated by all the products that I was unfamiliar with. I didn’t know what brushes did what, so I avoided them. Then one of my close friends, Maddy, told me that they’re my brushes, I can use them however I want to. There are no rules. This helped tremendously. Anytime, even now, that I feel as though I may be using the wrong brush, the wrong technique, the wrong order of application, or anything else wrong, I remember that this is my makeup and my face, and I can do whatever I please. So don’t be afraid to make mistakes, because there are no mistakes in makeup as long as you like it.

Jamie Murray

U Mich '24

I'm a sophomore at the University of Michigan, my major is Political Science and I hope one day to go to law school. As an Aquarius, I hope to have some unique ideas and takes for Her Campus articles. And I'm excited to meet new friends along the way.