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Antonio Bosco, Class of 2016

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mich chapter.


Name: Antonio Bosco

Major: Industrial Operations Engineering

Relationship Status: Single

Fun Fact: Aspires to be a World Traveler

Activities: Sigma Chi Fraternity Sweetheart Chair, Solar Car Organization


Her Campus: Who would you say is your “type” of girl to date?

Antonio Bosco: I want a girl who is intelligent and knows how to hold a conversation with me. I always like short girls rather than tall girls. I am not biased against blondes or brunettes though, so that’s a plus. She needs to be adventurous. If we are going to travel the world together, I am going to need a partner.


HC: What is your take on college relationships? Are they worth it?

AB: I feel like I am still too young to limit myself. I want to get out there and broaden my horizons with different relationships until I find the type of person I fit best with.


HC: Where on campus do you think is the best place to try and meet girls? Why?

AB: Besides the dark depths of the Sigma Chi basement, I believe the Union is a good place to meet people, either studying or eating lunch. That being said, I prefer to try and meet girls in the classroom because I feel like we are both more open and willing to talk, rather than seeing them out at night. Overall, I find the conversation more engaging in an academic setting.


HC: What is your ideal date?

AB: I am a classic “dinner and movies” guy. We would go to a restaurant near the theater so we can go right to the movies after. Of course, I would offer to pay for her. I would order us something we could share together. We would end dinner with a dessert. After, we would either see a movie that would make her laugh or a scary movie so I could comfort her after.


HC: If you were to give a piece of advice to a guy friend on how to try and impress a girl, what would you tell him to do?

AB: I would say don’t try anything that makes you uncomfortable. You want to impress her by being your best self. But above all, try and appear as though you are cool, even if you are not.